Remedies to Prevent Pyorrhea Gum Disease


Pyorrhea, gum disease, also known as Periodontitis, is a condition in which blood, pus, and general discharge begins to hemorrhage from and around the gums closest to the teeth. If left untreated, this condition can quickly escalate to outcomes such as severe gum and teeth pain and even loss of teeth. However, Pyorrhea can be reversed and treated easily if preparations to do so are taken immediately once symptoms begin to occur. Symptoms of Pyorrhea include:

• Foul smelling breath
• Inflamed and swollen gums
• Discharge from the gums
• Bleeding of the gums
• Loose teeth
• Receding gums
• Tooth decay
• Extreme pain and sensitivity around the gums and teeth

The causes of Pyorrhea usually begin with a buildup of plaque and tartar to form on the teeth. Once plaque and tartar have formed than inflammation of the gums begins to take place which causes pockets around the gums and leads to receding gum lines. Plaque and tartar begin to fill the pockets thus allowing bacteria to lead to tooth decay, infection, and even extreme pain and sensitivity. Further gum recession than takes place and the bacteria trapped within the pockets begins to loosen the teeth. Once the teeth are loosened tooth abscess begins to take place which eventually leads to tooth loss. Pyorrhea is much more common amongst adults than with children and is one of the leading causes of tooth loss for adults.

To prevent symptoms of Pyorrhea maintain an active teeth cleaning regime both morning and night. This includes the basics; brushing and flossing, using mouth wash, and regular appointments with a dentist.

If symptoms of Pyorrhea do begin to occur than natural and organic remedies can be taken in order to prevent further symptoms and even reverse them altogether. The first natural and organic remedy that can be tried from home is to hold a small amount of sesame oil within the mouth for roughly 10 minutes. Doing so will help the antibacterial properties within the sesame oil to reach and kill the existing bacteria. After 10 minutes is up spit the sesame oil out and repeat as necessary.

Another natural and organic remedy is to brush every morning and every night with herbal toothpaste containing Ayurvedic herbs or with the crushed remnants of actual Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurvedic herbs are known to have disinfectant properties that aid in the healing process as well as the prevention process of gum disease. Some Ayurvedic herbs include neem, haridra, patola, and babool.

Chewing Guava leaves has been proven to aid with overall gum and teeth health and has been referred to as a ‘teeth tonic’ due to its high amount of Vitamin C. The unripe Guava fruit as well has been proven to be sufficient for spreading the healing process throughout the mouth to aid in the prevention of Pyorrhea and general gum disease. Another useful remedy would be to make a mouthwash using the root of the plant, if possible, as this also aids in reducing gum inflammation.

Mustard oil contains essential minerals that aid in the healing process and prevention of tooth loss. Mustard oil can also be useful for reducing inflammation within the gums and reducing bad breath caused by the early symptoms of Pyorrhea. To begin, mix a small amount of salt with a small of amount of mustard oil and brush as usual. This will help spread the essential minerals throughout the entire mouth and aid in the healing process. If brushing is not an option due to sensitive gums than spread a small amount of the same mixture over the teeth and gums using either a cotton ball or a Q-tip.

Apple cider vinegar has been proven effective as an aid to reduce the pain within the gums caused by Pyorrhea. Apple cider vinegar has both healing and soothing properties and can also be used as a natural and organic remedy for many other ailments. To use apple cider vinegar as an aid for symptoms of Pyorrhea effectively begin by mixing it with a small amount of water than gargle roughly 2 to 3 times daily. Apple cider vinegar can also be applied directly to the gums and teeth in order to give instant soothing relief.

While treating for symptoms of Pyorrhea make sure to avoid foods high in sugar or fructose. These foods can increase the amount of bacteria within the mouth if proper hygiene is not taken immediately after consumption. Other foods such as spicy foods, sour foods, and of course junk foods should be avoided as these foods will only contribute to additional gum and tooth pain. Milk, cheese, and other dairy products should try to be avoided as these foods stick to the teeth and allow for even more bacteria to grow. Chewing tobacco and smoking must also be avoided as this only agitates the healing process and can reverse the effects made by the natural and organic remedies.




“Gum Disease.” Home Remedy Central

“Periodontitis.” By A.D.A.M Medical Encyclopedia. PubMed Health

“Benefits of Sesame Oil.” By Louise Tremblay

“Ayurvedic Herbs Benefit and How to Use Them for Natural Healing.” By Ray Sahelian, M.D.

Alden Morris
Proprietor at All Done Marketing
Alden Morris is a freelance writer and producer of content aimed to create interest, inspire, and educate.