Warning Signs that You Have Poor Blood Circulation


Without adequate blood circulation, continued good health is simply not possible. This is because good blood flow is needed to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of your body and remove your waste to process and eliminate it through the liver and kidneys. It is also important for regulating the body’s pH balance and other vital processes. Read on to find out more about what poor blood circulation is and what signs and symptoms you should look out for.
Low or Poor Circulation

Someone who suffers from poor or low blood circulation does not receive an adequate flow of blood to certain portions of their body. Certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors can contribute to this: women who are pregnant, those who smoke, and those who have eating disorders, congestive heart failure or diabetes are more vulnerable to this problem. It is a problem which should be taken seriously, because if left untreated, organs like the liver, kidney, heart, brain and lower limbs can become very vulnerable indeed.

What are the Symptoms of Low or Poor Circulation?

One of the most common signs of this problem are ulcers which usually develop on the legs and are a sign that circulation to the lower limbs is inadequate. These ulcers can first appear like a red or irritated rash that will not go away, often forming near the feet or on the legs. Swelling of the feet and ankles is also a common sign of poor circulation, though this may also manifest itself in the hands as puffiness or swelling as well. Also look for hair loss, discolored skin, weak nails and varicose veins, all of which are signs that blood flow is not adequate.

Physical signs of low or poor circulation include digestive issues such as constipation, a weakened immune system and cold hands or feet. This problems may also manifest itself as exhaustion or fatigue, sexual issues like erectile dysfunction in men, and even more serious issues like angina (chest pain) and cognitive problems, an indication that blood flow to the brain is simply not adequate to meet its needs. Not everyone will have all of these symptoms, of course, nor will they have it with the same severity. However, they should be taken seriously as untreated poor circulation can cause many chronic health problems.

If you notice that you are suffering from one or more of these symptoms and especially if you have a medical history of heart problems, diabetes or eating disorders – you should make an appointment and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. He or she will likely perform a physical exam there in office and will probably order blood or imaging tests as appropriate to try to diagnose the problem.

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