Only the truth can set you free


What would you do if you learned there was a concerted effort to keep you sick? And what would you do if you learned that the way they could do that was by the food that you ate? Would that upset you? Well, be prepared.

The best way for me to explain this is to put it in the vernacular of the street, relating to it all as pimps, hookers, and tricks.

If you were looking at it this way, who do you think the pimps might be? The number one pimp on my list is the pharmaceutical industry. Why is that? First of all, they are all publicly traded companies and the first and foremost goal of a publicly traded company is to increase profits. And the best way to increase profits is by increasing earnings per share. The best way to do that is to sell tons of the product you sell.

The pharmaceutical industry, first and foremost, is in the business of selling drugs. In order to sell drugs, people have to be sick. They have to be sick either through natural causes or by inventing diseases. We’ll get to the natural causes down the road.

Up until about 15 years ago there was never such thing as “Restless Leg Syndrome”. Before “Gastric Reflux Disease” took on such a fancy name, it was simply known as heartburn. These are just a couple of examples of how the pharmaceutical industry invents diseases to sell drugs. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t come up with a disease called “Refrigerator Door Syndrome”. I guess the main symptom of that would be opening up the refrigerator door and looking for something that didn’t exist five minutes ago when you did the same thing. Or, they could come up with “Motivational Deficiency Disorder”, which basically is a fancy word for lazy. Another one could be “Consumption Deficit Anxiety Disorder”. This could be described as being in anxiety because your neighbor has more toys than you do. I’m sure if you guys try, I think you could probably come up with some classic diseases of your own. And who knows, maybe you could market them to the pharmaceutical industry and get paid royalties for the rest your life. (The fictitious disease names were created by Mike Adams).

The one thing they don’t tell you when you take prescription drugs is that because they’re synthetic toxic chemicals there is a really good chance that you will experience severe negative reactions to these drugs. The bad news is that President George Bush made it so that you can’t sue the pharmaceutical industry if you get sick or die. So basically you’re just subjected to taking their drugs and hope for the best.

In the year 2007, or thereabouts, the Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, spend $15 million of taxpayer money to stockpile the Tamiflu vaccine, which was supposed to ward off the bird flu pandemic that never came. The irony of this is that in 2009 it was proven that the Tamiflu vaccine was completely worthless and that it didn’t work. The other scam was the H1N1 flu vaccine that was created to contain the swine flu pandemic. That one never materialized either but they sure sold a lot of vaccines.

Years ago, in Hawaii, because they were holding so many vaccines that never got used, they recommended that children starting at 6 months old must get a second shot. See what I mean about the pharmaceutical industry being a pimp? Another nightmare is the Gardasil vaccine which treats the papilloma virus. Not only are they giving it to young girls to prevent cervical cancer, now they want to give it to young boys as well. What they are not telling anybody is that this vaccine causes sterility.

Other big pimps on the planet are the big food companies. These guys are merciless. They don’t care what they sell as long as they sell it and make a big profit. The best way to do that is to sell you food full of fat, sugar, and salt – the heavenly trio – to keep you hooked.

Let’s look at reality for a minute. Most people are hooked on a flesh-based diet. People are so addicted to this due to conditioning that they can’t see reality if it came up and bit them in the butt.

By the time an animal is slaughtered, that decomposing flesh doesn’t make it to your supermarket for at least a week. Do you mean to tell me that after a week a dead body can remain as bright and rosy as you see it in the supermarket?

And not only that, but that you can walk into the supermarket and not be bowled over by the stench? Why is that? It’s because of the color enhancers and the stink-reducers and the ammonia to kill the bacteria and the carbon monoxide to keep it pink and rosy so that it stays that color and doesn’t smell and extends its shelf life up to 3 weeks.

Chicken is even worse. After the chickens are killed they are, if you’ll pardon the expression, cleansed in a bath full of pus, urine, doo doo, and rot. And the USDA says, if you cannot see the doo doo through the clear wrap, it is okay to sell.

When you buy a food that is processed, you are buying something that is devoid of natural flavor and contains MSG, or a euphemism thereof, to give it its flavor. Did you ever wonder why when you go into a supermarket you can see food on the shelf for weeks without it spoiling? Did you ever wonder why that was? It’s because of all the preservatives to increase the shelf life to increase the profit to not have any loss. Nowhere in that product is there any concern whatsoever for your health.

Did you know that Hawaii, has the rare distinction of being the Spam capitol of the world. They even have Spam festivals there. I have a friend who told me he was friends with the Hormel family children, who by the way are all vegetarians. They were forbidden to eat Spam. Hawaii also has another distinction – it is the colon cancer capitol of the world. Some people will never learn.

Then another outrageous pimp is Monsanto. Monsanto says they will save the world with the food they produce – the genetically modified food they produce. What does that mean? It means that they take a food and make it impervious to whatever amount of their cash crop Round Up they spray on it. In other words, they will spray the hell out of the food with their favorite pesticide to make sure that no weeds or bugs hinder the growth of their products. Just as a side note, in India they did an experiment. They went out into the woods and they hung normal food from one tree and genetically modified food from another tree. They came back a week later and found that the regular food was all eaten and the GMOs were untouched. It’s not hard to realize that the animals are innately smarter than the people.

Moving on to the hookers now, I guess the head of that group has to be the medical profession. With the best of intentions these guys go to medical school and wind up being subjected to curriculum that is funded by their pimp, the pharmaceutical industry. When they graduate from medical school they come out with a “take-a-pill” or a “cut-it-out” mentality.

To say that when a person graduates from medical school is nutritionally clueless is an understatement. When a doctor treats a patient for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, arthritis, constipation, or whatever, it is always with drugs. When an oncologist treats a patient for cancer it is always with chemotherapy, radiation, and endless periods of time when your immune system hits rock bottom. Nowhere, ever, do they ever treat with nutrition.

Then of course you have the mainstream media that will do everything to protect their advertising dollars. Which, by the way, comes from pharmaceutical ads and ads from restaurants selling the foods that make sure you always see your doctor. Not only that, but the articles that appear somehow never favor plant-based diets or natural cures. Did you ever wonder why that was? It’s all about money! No one really gives a damn about you being healthy.

In Hawaii, they always interview local authors on their morning TV shows. So, after my book was published, I gave a copy to each station. Not hearing back from anyone in 3 weeks I went to the stations to find out what the problem was. The problem was that my book interfered with their advertising dollars.

Next we have a government agencies. We have the FDA, affectionately known as the Fraud and Drug Administration; the CDC, affectionately known as the Centers for Deceit Control and Procrastination; the USDA, affectionately known as the US Department of A@#$%&#s; and the FTC, affectionately known as the Federal Treachery Commission. Why do I describe them as such? Because they do anything to protect big business and little to protect the people.

The FDA will do anything to further the profits of the drug industry. They have no qualms in shutting down companies dealing with natural remedies. In fact, the head guys at the FDA are former pharmaceutical executives. Right now in the United States, the head of the Agriculture Department, Michael Taylor, affectionately known as “Monsanto Mike,” used to be an attorney in that company.

It is a known fact that cherry juice is a great remedy for arthritis pain. Yet, the cherry growers can’t say that and if they do the Fraud and Drug Administration will shut them down. Celestial Seasonings, the tea company, made the mistake of saying that one of their teas was sweetened with Stevia, a natural herb. Well, the FDA wouldn’t hear of that. So, they told them that if they didn’t take Stevia, listed as a sweetener, off the label they would shut them down. Pimps, hookers and tricks.

You all know that the CDC is a big pusher of fluoride. What a travesty that is. But what you didn’t know was that in their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of August 17, 2001/ Volume 50/ Number RR-14, on Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States, on page 4, in the third paragraph, it says,” fluoride’s predominant effect is post-eruptive and topical.” This means it works on the surface of the tooth after the tooth has come into the mouth. Nowhere, anywhere, does it say you have to drink the poison. Pimps, hookers and tricks.

The USDA is in bed with the dairy industry. The USDA protects the dairy industry as if it were a golden goose. Let me give you a good example: back when Bill Clinton was the the President, he hired Dr. Joslyn Elders, a black woman, as his Surgeon General. Dr. Elders, in her first week in office was going to make the announcement that Blacks were 95% lactose intolerant, that Asians were 80-85% lactose intolerant, that Latinos were 75% lactose intolerant and Caucasians were 70% lactose intolerant. Dr. Elders never got to make that statement. She was fired after a week. It’s a classic case of a government agency protecting big business rather than the people.

Next we have, on the hooker list, the Public Health Officials. Boy oh boy, do they love to push vaccines full of mercury, thimerisol and toxic adjuvants. Autism anyone? Recently, an organization named Autism Speaks went public about trying to reverse autism. And they listed so many things that they were going to do. But somehow they failed to mention the vaccine connection. So I asked that question to the Director of Autism Speaks. I was told that vaccines do not contribute to autism. I then asked if the organization accepts donations from the pharmaceutical industry. The answer I received was, “not that much.” Pimps, hookers and tricks.

Anyway, with regard to vaccines, a child by six months old has received nine vaccines. By the time the child is seven years old it has received 47 vaccines. And by the time that person is 70 years old, they have received 160 vaccines. You really mean to tell me that there’s no danger in this? In New Jersey and New York there are no exemptions to vaccines. They are trying to do the same thing in Hawaii.

Years ago in Hawaii there was a Hearing in which a bill was introduced to offer vegetarian and vegan meals in the public schools. The bill said that these meals “shall” be entered in the public schools. Two entities voted against this. The Board of Education and the Department of Health. When the wording of the bill was changed from “shall” to “should,” meaning that now they had a choice to do it or not, these two entities voted in favor. Nothing like keeping kids sick and protecting the interests of the corporations.

I guess we also have to add the “shrinks” to the “hooker” list. They are a group of jerks that invented “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” as an excuse to put kids on drugs just because they might space out in the classroom.

Let’s talk about the Dentists for a minute. Because the Dentists are hesitant to accept the low pay that Medicaid pays, they advocate fluoride. What a convenient way to ease their guilt. In Alaska, where dentists seldom go, especially in the remote parts, there are people that are trained as DHATS (Dental Hygiene Attending Therapists). These people can basically do what Dentists can do and are willing to go anywhere in Alaska. Guess who opposes them? The Dentists that refuse to go into the “boonies” to treat the people.

I always love the organizations that are out there doing their work to find cures for various diseases. My favorite is the American Heart Association. These hypocrites have spent 30 years trying to find a cure for heart disease. Every year in Hawaii they have a Heart Ball to raise money try to find a cure for heart disease. The cost to attend the Heart Ball is anywhere from $3500-$5000 a plate. And the menu items -filet mignon, prime ribs, and veal. I guess they figured nobody would pay that much money for fried tofu, steamed vegetables, and brown rice.

Let’s get back to Monsanto for a minute. We already talked about their GMO scam, but don’t forget these are the people they gave us Agent Orange. And we all know how wonderful this chemical is and the lasting effects of its exposure to our men that fought in Viet Nam. Recently, there was worldwide news that the bee colonies were collapsing. Why do you think that was? Because the bees have a hard time with the GMOs. In addition to all of Monsanto’s horrors they are also involved with MSG and Aspartame. Nothing like putting something out there that screws up your brain as well.

I guess I spent a lot of time talking about the pimps and hookers and not about the tricks. If you want to know who the tricks are, just look in the mirror.

Hopefully, at this point you have a clear indication as to why you have to take complete responsibility for your health. You have to understand one thing: adhering to a flesh-based diet will cause you to succumb to degenerative disease. And even though the animals have died so you can put them on your plate, they have the last laugh from the grave by giving you arthritis, heart disease, cancer, constipation, and type-2 diabetes for openers.

Basically, the only thing that can help you reverse your health or keep you in good health is proper nutrition. Poor nutrition will destroy people and good nutrition will save people.

Food plays such an important role and has such a powerful impact In everything that matters is society. You all know that old saying,” you are what you eat.” We are a diseased nation eating foods that we really should not eat.

The Western diet consists of dead foods, which have been overcooked or microwaved, and processed foods, which have been bleached. It is a diet lacking large quantities of fresh, living, fruits and vegetables. It is a diet that avoids adequate water hydration and focuses on sugary beverages. It is a diet that includes large amounts of processed, homogenized, and pasteurized dairy products, which eliminates any nutrients whatsoever. It is a diet loaded with hundreds of different chemical food additives and preservatives. It is the diet consisting of conventionally grown pesticide contaminated foods. It is a diet consisting of large quantities of unhealthy oils such as corn oil, soy oil, partially hydrogenated oil, or “organic” canola oil. Gee, how does hexane become organic?

It is a diet of heavily fried foods or foods cooked at such high temperatures that it destroys nutrients while creating carcinogenic compounds. It is a diet comprised of hydrogenated oils, refined sugar, and enormous amounts of fat and salt. And all this is consumed by about 90 percent of the US population.

This diet, affectionately known as “the diet of death,” adversely affects personal health, healthcare costs, and our children’s ability to think clearly. This diet has a negative affect on Corporate America because the workers poisoned by processed foods suffer from repeated sick days, the inability to focus, failure to learn, and failure to create new ideas.

With their brains fueled by junk foods and with failed education giving them few options for earning an honest living, more people turn to crime. In time, the prisons become filled with people incarcerated for behavior that could have been at least partially prevented with proper nutrition.

With disease rates skyrocketing, violent crime on the rise, education failures rampant, and healthcare costs bankrupting families, happiness hits an all-time low. As junk food consumption continues through multiple generations, the genetic integrity of the population declines.

Then, because the population is dulled out because of all the junk foods they are eating, economic productivity hits rock-bottom and employers shift jobs overseas where people seem to have much higher levels of productivity. To say this is a losing situation is a gross understatement.

Earlier in this article we talked about the pharmaceutical industry wanting to drug everyone and anyone to make a buck. But we really didn’t talk about the problems that a medicated population invokes. Medicated drivers are no different than drunk drivers.

This dullness also carries over to the workplace where medicated workers tend to make many more mistakes. You have people taking a medication to treat one disease and this somehow creates another disease because of the adverse effects of the synthetic chemicals.

Because the pharmaceutical industry has a monopoly, the high pricing of the medications creates very high healthcare costs. And when those medications pass through the bodies of the consumers and eventually get dumped into the rivers and other waterways, they pollute the environment.

And now, believe it or not, the FAA has relented and is allowing pilots to fly while on antidepressant drugs. Shades of Columbine!

This is a recipe for disaster: higher costs, lower productivity, increased rates of disease, decreased economic productivity, environmental destruction and a dumbed down population.

It is very clear when you walk around the supermarket or you watch ads on TV that America has chosen to adopt a really bad diet. People in this country are addicted to fast foods and junk foods and live to eat rather than eat to live. And this insane diet coming from that premise will have far more consequences than anyone can imagine.

Let me leave you with one last thought: if there was a concerted effort to keep you sick so you could die early and assuming you could die before you reached age 70, who do you think might benefit? How about the government? And why? Doesn’t full Social Security kick in when you reach age 70? If you die before you reach that age there is no danger of Social Security ever running out. That’s because you won’t be around to collect it at the age are supposed to. Food for thought!



Hesh Goldstein
When I was a kid, if I were told that I'd be writing a book about diet and nutrition when I was older, let alone having been doing a health related radio show for over 36 years, I would've thought that whoever told me that was out of their mind. Living in Newark, New Jersey, my parents and I consumed anything and everything that had a face or a mother except for dead, rotting, pig bodies, although we did eat bacon (as if all the other decomposing flesh bodies were somehow miraculously clean). Going through high school and college it was no different. In fact, my dietary change did not come until I was in my 30's.

Just to put things in perspective, after I graduated from Weequahic High School and before going to Seton Hall University, I had a part-time job working for a butcher. I was the delivery guy and occasionally had to go to the slaughterhouse to pick up products for the store. Needless to say, I had no consciousness nor awareness, as change never came then despite the horrors I witnessed on an almost daily basis.

After graduating with a degree in accounting from Seton Hall, I eventually got married and moved to a town called Livingston. Livingston was basically a yuppie community where everyone was judged by the neighborhood they lived in and their income. To say it was a "plastic" community would be an understatement.

Livingston and the shallowness finally got to me. I told my wife I was fed up and wanted to move. She made it clear she had to be near her friends and New York City. I finally got my act together and split for Colorado.

I was living with a lady in Aspen at the end of 1974, when one day she said, " let's become vegetarians". I have no idea what possessed me to say it, but I said, "okay"! At that point I went to the freezer and took out about $100 worth of frozen, dead body parts and gave them to a welfare mother who lived behind us. Well, everything was great for about a week or so, and then the chick split with another guy.

So here I was, a vegetarian for a couple weeks, not really knowing what to do, how to cook, or basically how to prepare anything. For about a month, I was getting by on carrot sticks, celery sticks, and yogurt. Fortunately, when I went vegan in 1990, it was a simple and natural progression. Anyway, as I walked around Aspen town, I noticed a little vegetarian restaurant called, "The Little Kitchen".

Let me back up just a little bit. It was April of 1975, the snow was melting and the runoff of Ajax Mountain filled the streets full of knee-deep mud. Now, Aspen was great to ski in, but was a bummer to walk in when the snow was melting.

I was ready to call it quits and I needed a warmer place. I'll elaborate on that in a minute.

But right now, back to "The Little Kitchen". Knowing that I was going to leave Aspen and basically a new vegetarian, I needed help. So, I cruised into the restaurant and told them my plight and asked them if they would teach me how to cook. I told them in return I would wash dishes and empty their trash. They then asked me what I did for a living and I told them I was an accountant.

The owner said to me, "Let's make a deal. You do our tax return and we'll feed you as well". So for the next couple of weeks I was doing their tax return, washing their dishes, emptying the trash, and learning as much as I could.

But, like I said, the mud was getting to me. So I picked up a travel book written by a guy named Foder. The name of the book was, "Hawaii". Looking through the book I noticed that in Lahaina, on Maui, there was a little vegetarian restaurant called," Mr. Natural's". I decided right then and there that I would go to Lahaina and work at "Mr. Natural's." To make a long story short, that's exactly what happened.

So, I'm working at "Mr. Natural's" and learning everything I can about my new dietary lifestyle - it was great. Every afternoon we would close for lunch at about 1 PM and go to the Sheraton Hotel in Ka'anapali and play volleyball, while somebody stayed behind to prepare dinner.

Since I was the new guy, and didn't really know how to cook, I never thought that I would be asked to stay behind to cook dinner. Well, one afternoon, that's exactly what happened; it was my turn. That posed a problem for me because I was at the point where I finally knew how to boil water.

I was desperate, clueless and basically up the creek without a paddle. Fortunately, there was a friend of mine sitting in the gazebo at the restaurant and I asked him if he knew how to cook. He said the only thing he knew how to cook was enchiladas. He said that his enchiladas were bean-less and dairy-less. I told him that I had no idea what an enchilada was or what he was talking about, but I needed him to show me because it was my turn to do the evening meal.

Well, the guys came back from playing volleyball and I'm asked what was for dinner. I told them enchiladas; the owner wasn't thrilled. I told him that mine were bean-less and dairy-less. When he tried the enchilada he said it was incredible. Being the humble guy that I was, I smiled and said, "You expected anything less"? It apparently was so good that it was the only item on the menu that we served twice a week. In fact, after about a week, we were selling five dozen every night we had them on the menu and people would walk around Lahaina broadcasting, 'enchilada's at "Natural's" tonight'. I never had to cook anything else.

A year later the restaurant closed, and somehow I gravitated to a little health food store in Wailuku. I never told anyone I was an accountant and basically relegated myself to being the truck driver. The guys who were running the health food store had friends in similar businesses and farms on many of the islands. I told them that if they could organize and form one company they could probably lock in the State. That's when they found out I was an accountant and "Down to Earth" was born. "Down to Earth" became the largest natural food store chain in the islands, and I was their Chief Financial Officer and co-manager of their biggest store for 13 years.

In 1981, I started to do a weekly radio show to try and expose people to a vegetarian diet and get them away from killing innocent creatures. I still do that show today. I pay for my own airtime and have no sponsors to not compromise my honesty. One bit of a hassle was the fact that I was forced to get a Masters Degree in Nutrition to shut up all the MD's that would call in asking for my credentials.

My doing this radio show enabled me, through endless research, to see the corruption that existed within the big food industries, the big pharmaceutical companies, the biotech industries and the government agencies. This information, unconscionable as it is, enabled me to realize how broken our health system is. This will be covered more in depth in the Introduction and throughout the book and when you finish the book you will see this clearly and it will hopefully inspire you to make changes.

I left Down to Earth in 1989, got nationally certified as a sports injury massage therapist and started traveling the world with a bunch of guys that were making a martial arts movie. After doing that for about four years I finally made it back to Honolulu and got a job as a massage therapist at the Honolulu Club, one of Hawaii's premier fitness clubs. It was there I met the love of my life who I have been with since 1998. She made me an offer I couldn't refuse. She said," If you want to be with me you've got to stop working on naked women". So, I went back into accounting and was the Chief Financial Officer of a large construction company for many years.

Going back to my Newark days when I was an infant, I had no idea what a "chicken" or "egg" or "fish" or "pig" or "cow" was. My dietary blueprint was thrust upon me by my parents as theirs was thrust upon them by their parents. It was by the grace of God that I was able to put things in their proper perspective and improve my health and elevate my consciousness.

The road that I started walking down in 1975 has finally led me to the point of writing my book, “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”. Hopefully, the information contained herein will be enlightening, motivating, and inspiring to encourage you to make different choices. Doing what we do out of conditioning is not always the best course to follow. I am hoping that by the grace of the many friends and personalities I have encountered along my path, you will have a better perspective of what road is the best road for you to travel on, not only for your health but your consciousness as well.

Last but not least: after being vaccinated as a kid I developed asthma, which plagued me all of my life. In 2007 I got exposed to the organic sulfur crystals, which got rid of my asthma in 3 days and has not come back in over 10 years. That, being the tip of the iceberg, has helped people reverse stage 4 cancers, autism, joint pain, blood pressure problems, migraine headaches, erectile dysfunction, gingivitis, and more. Also, because of the detoxification effects by the release of oxygen that permeates and heals all the cells in the body, it removes parasites, radiation, fluoride, free radicals, and all the other crap that is thrust upon us in the environment by Big Business.

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