Top Ways Blueberries Help Fight Cancer


Blueberries are considered by dieticians and medical experts today as one of the much-vaunted superfoods. Packed with all kinds of nutrients and health benefits, it is considered as one of the healthiest foods around. Linked to the prevention and cure of all kinds of diseases, blueberries just might be our best answer to cancer. Studies have shown that a daily dose of blueberries might play a role in reducing one’s risk of having cancer. How is that possible? The answers would come at the jump.

One of the things that make blueberries such a health powerhouse is their abundance of antioxidants. These compounds are known to attack free radicals, substances that are byproducts of various metabolic processes. Free radicals are considered as toxins because their highly oxidative nature can destroy normal cell processes. Altering cell processes can have adverse effects on systemic body functions, including normal cell division. Not only does an excess of free radicals trigger the development of malignant tissue at specific parts of the body, but it also causes other effects such as the quickening of the aging process.

Not only are blueberries rich in antioxidants, but they are also rich in compounds called flavonoids. One example of flavonoid that is particularly abundant in the blueberry is anthocyanins. A compound that’s responsible for the creation of the distinctive color of the blueberry fruit, anthocyanins may differ in color depending on the pH of the fruit itself. More than its ability for endowing color into plants, anthocyanins are also known for one notable function: being an antioxidant. Experiments have shown that anthocyanins found in blueberries are among the most powerful natural antioxidants available. It is effective in reducing free radicals in both plant and animal cells.

On paper, adding blueberries into your diet may seem like a promising proposition. However, as medical researchers would profess, sometimes the actual effect of something in our bodies may deviate from what was expected theoretically. Clinical studies have been made to look into the relationship between daily consumption of blueberries and cancer. The result of a study made at the University of Alabama at Birmigham brings out some promising results. According to their studies, eating a cup of blueberries a day has reduced cell damage directly linked to the development of cancer. By protecting cells against damage, one can reduce his/her risks of acquiring cancer later on in life.

Beyond their cancer-preventing capabilities, blueberries have other nutritional properties that contribute to overall wellness. An example of a trait it has is its abundance of Vitamin C. A cup of blueberries contain enough Vitamin C to cover for one’s daily needs. As you would already know by now, this vitamin boosts immune function, allowing you to fight infections as well as resist them. At the same time, this Vitamin C boost will significantly boost cardiovascular health due to its role in strengthening the blood vessels.

Blueberries are considered as a superfood for a reason. Just check out the facts stated here. Even better is you can enjoy this guilt-free. Each 1-cup serving of blueberry only contains 80 calories!


Sandeep Godiyal
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. His areas of expertise including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.