Top 10 Foods That Will Make Your Kid The Brightest


Top 10 Foods That Will Make Your Kid The Brightest

Food is fuel, for all living things. Only with regular and the right kind of fuel can the human body run like a well-oiled machine. It is vitally important that young children are given a balanced diet that sets a solid foundation for their health in the long run. The kind of food you give your child directly affects their growth and development of body and mind, so it is no wonder you are here, looking for super foods that will boost your kid’s brainpower.

Here is a comprehensive list that will give you exactly that!

1Eggs: These are nature’s own super food, rich in all kinds of nutrients, particularly choline. Choline is essential for brain development and memory function, since it helps the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. An egg every other day will eliminate the need of extra vitamins or reinforcement in your child’s diet. Go for organic, free range eggs. You can try having DHA rich eggs also called omega -3 eggs, they are laid by hens that are on a DHA supplement. DHA or Docosahexaenoic Acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps electric signals to pass easily from one brain cell to another.

2Oily Fish: Omega 3 essential fatty acids are healthy fats, crucial to brain and eye development. These are mostly present in oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Doctors advise until 2 helpings of oily fish a week for children. If your child is a vegetarian or simply do not like the taste of fish, visit a nutritionist and ask for a prescription for fish oil tablets rich in DHA and omega 3 fatty acids.

3Turmeric: Research has confirmed that the curcumin content in turmeric can make the brain grow, fight inflammation and blocks Alzheimer’s plaque formation. Now you know why ancient cuisines like Indian and Middle Eastern encouraged adding a pinch of turmeric in most of their foods. To meet this requirement, all you need to do is cook a lot of Indian food at home!

4Iron-rich food: Iron deficiency can make your child dull and lethargic, as it will reduce the oxygen supply to all parts of the body, yes, including the brain. To avoid this, make sure your kid has iron-fortified cereals and leafy green vegetables such as spinach, parsley, and broccoli. It is true that the human body absorbs the iron in meat or fish more easily, so include them in your kid’s diet.

5Tomato: Technically a fruit, tomatoes are mostly used as a vegetable in cooking, and rightfully so. They are full of lycopene, an antioxidant that eliminate harmful free radicles from human body, thus preventing brain damages due to oxidation. The vegetable also contains vitamin A, and flavonoid antioxidants such as alpha- and beta-carotene, xanthins and lutein.

6Brown rice: Complex carbohydrates are fiber-rich whole grains that facilitate the brain’s functioning because they are its main source of fuel. These complex carbs burn slowly (unlike the carbs provided by sugar) and make sure the brain is kept well fed throughout the day. Oats and brown rice are two of the best sources of complex carbs that you can give your child. Stay away from white bread or white rice/pasta, and switch to multigrain living!

7.  Nuts: Chock full of of Omega-3 fatty acid, Omega-6 fatty acid, folate, Vitamin E, and vitamin B6, the nut family – walnuts, almonds, peanuts, and hazelnuts – are good fats that aid in brain empowerment. Consider making homemade nut butters, and substituting them for dairy butter; nut butters are vegan and have none of the allergic dangers posed by dairy products.

8. Seeds: Seeds are good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E, which protects brain-cell membranes from damage. Pumpkin seeds are a power house of zinc, which is a memory-boosting mineral. The best way to incorporate seeds in your kid’s diet is to make it a habit; teach your kid to snack on trail mix consisting of nuts and seeds, instead of chips or biscuits.

9Berries: Antioxidants are nutrients that protect your child’s brain from everyday wear and tear. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants. In a tropical country like India, it is indeed difficult to come by these cold-weather fruits, but good news is strawberries have become commonplace in supermarkets, and you do get blue berries and raspberries in all leading gourmet stores. It is worth splurging in this super brain food once in a while!

10. Avocados: Not many know that at least 1/4th of kids’ calories should be provided by unsaturated fats. Avocado, a fruit that is native to Mexico and Central America, fits the bill. Dr. Daniel Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life considers avocados as one of the top brain-healthy foods that can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Due to its creamy texture, it is ideal for making healthy milkshakes, dips, mousse, even sauce for pasta!

All mothers want their kids to be the brightest, and why not they are your priceless treasure! Here are the super foods that will keep your child’s brain active. Now it is easy to help your child stay ahead of the class!

Aradhana Pandey
I’m Aradhana. I am a passionate writer and love to write on topics like yoga, wellness, health and lifestyle. I believe good health is the key to success and happiness. Through my writings I love to motivate people to develop healthy habits and adopt natural ways of living to achieve sound health. In my free time I love to experiment on new cuisines and travelling.