Tag: kids

Sugar: What is Safe for Our Children?

Sugar: What is Safe for Our Children?

Everywhere we go, we are subjected to sugar. If it’s not hidden inside our favourite foods, it’s lurking in vending machines and drinks cabinets. It has been proven that obesity is a problem in many countries, including the UK. According… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
6 Common Signs Of Selfish Parents

6 Common Signs Of Selfish Parents

Narcissistic and selfish parents try to control their children in everything starting from clothes choice and finishing with hobbies. Such people have an ideal picture in their minds of what their kids should be like and they try very hard… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Lifestyle
When it Comes to Fruit & Vegetable Serves – Trust Your Gut

When it Comes to Fruit & Vegetable Serves – Trust Your Gut

Guidelines for the number of fruit and vegetable serves needed each day, by adults and children, varies country to country and year to year. It seems that even scientific studies ebb and flow with their recommendations. (The Harvard School of… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Recipes
5 juicing mistakes to avoid with kids

5 juicing mistakes to avoid with kids

My son had his first fresh vegetable juice at the age of two. It was carrot, celery and apple and he enjoyed it enough to have continued drinking a daily juice for over five years now. In all these years… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
A Non PC Look at Bullying

A Non PC Look at Bullying

I am likely going to catch a lot of flak for this article, as I am jumping head first of the politically correct wagon here, but that’s OK. It needs to be said. Having seen yet another picture pop up… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health
Body Odor in Children

Body Odor in Children

Is it a Sign of Early Puberty? The traditional answer to this question has been that children will start to experience body odor when they hit puberty and their bodies start to experience hormonal changes. In fact, according to our… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Kids, Cancer and Gluten Free: Ethan’s Doctor report “Remission!!!”

Kids, Cancer and Gluten Free: Ethan’s Doctor report “Remission!!!”

It has been a while since I last posted regarding Ethan’s cancer and using gluten free in his diet. What a journey! Ethan had his followup appointment a week ago and all the scans, PET, MRI and blood work show… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine
Physically Fit Kids Have Better Brains

Physically Fit Kids Have Better Brains

For parents who are struggling to get their kids off the computers or video games and into the back yard to run and play, science may have found the ultimate bribe. Research examining the brain function of children has shown… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Health, Mental Health
Serve Up Healthy Foods for Your Kids

Serve Up Healthy Foods for Your Kids

Eating habits in life start early. For that reason, you should try your best to serve up healthy foods to your kids. Sure, there’s no real harm in a cookie every so often, but make sure they are getting the… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, News
Parent’s Outrage Over Cell Towers In Schooyards Prompts Petition

Parent’s Outrage Over Cell Towers In Schooyards Prompts Petition

While driving through the streets of many cities in America an eyesore is revealed that flies in the face of logic, mainstream medical literature, and law. If it wasn’t so sad, it would almost be comical to see massive metal… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Lifestyle, News