Tag: Avoid Fluoride Exposure

Avoid fluoridation like the plague!

Avoid fluoridation like the plague!

First and foremost the most extensive and complete website about the atrocities of fluoridation is Dr. Paul Connett’s, www.fluoridealert.org. Hawaii, with the exception of the military bases, is perhaps the only state that does not subject their residents to the… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Why you must fight to get fluoride out of your water supply.

Why you must fight to get fluoride out of your water supply.

Coca-Cola announced they were going to investigate the possibility of including fluoride in some of their bottled waters to help combat the evils of tooth decay. A person with half a brain could probably deduce that water is not a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
The Dangers of Fluoride And How To Avoid Them

The Dangers of Fluoride And How To Avoid Them

Most people in this country take their water for granted and don’t give it too much thought. After all, it’s very accessible here in America. It is readily available every time someone turns on the tap to use that water… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, News, Personal Care