Study Reveals That Chamomile Tea Can Help Women Live Longer


Chamomile tea is currently the top selling herbal tea in the US, with research showing that up to 20% of the population buys and drinks herbal tea. Its health benefits have been praised for centuries, but new studies have offered scientific evidence that far exceeds its previous achievements.

A 7 year US medical study carried out at the University of Texas concluded that chamomile tea can lower the risk of mortality in women by as much as 29%, which included all causes of death.

Out of 1677 individuals, 235 chamomile tea drinkers were studied, and woman consistently showed more health improvements and lower mortality when compared to the male participants. Factoring in demographics, health conditions and health behaviors made no difference to the result: women still benefited more from chamomile tea than men, especially in reducing the risk of preventing life-threatening diseases.

Why Did Women Benefit More?

The study hosted Mexican-American men and women over the age of 65 and studies have supported the notion that women benefited more from chamomile tea due to their more consistent tea-drinking habits.

Women proved to be more prone to drinking herbal teas than men, sipping it between household chores and as a regular bedtime ritual. Chamomile tea has long been known to reduce stomach cramps and inflammation, which may also explain why women drink it more than men: women are more prone to hormonal fluctuations, fluid retention and inflammation than men.

Assistant Professor Bret Howrey from the University of Texas confirms: “Women are shown to be more frequent users of chamomile than men.”

The scientific study and its findings were published in The Gerantologist journal at the Medical Branch of the University of Texas in Galveston, and remains encouraging proof that chamomile tea has multiple health benefits, including increasing life span.

Drinking chamomile tea regularly has been linked through proven studies to markedly improve the health of its consumers, as well as offering the necessary hydration to keep all systems working at their optimum.


Why Chamomile?

Chamomile tea contains hippurate, a substance which stimulates botanical phenolics that have proven to boost immunity and eliminate bacteria.

It also contains bisabolol, apigenin and charmazulene, which are natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Chronic inflammation can lead to multiple life threatening illnesses, and it is commonly accepted that inflammation is often as sign of poor health. By drinking 2-5 cups of chamomile tea daily, inflammation and mortality are significantly reduced.

Known for centuries as a calming, soothing and stress relieving drink, chamomile offers its consumers better sleep, less tension in tired muscles and a calmer, happier mind.

Studies have further shown that chamomile tea helps to balance blood sugar, reduce the risk of heart disease and soothe menstrual and digestive disorders.

It’s no wonder that herbal teas, and in particular chamomile tea are rising in popularity, with over 60 million people already becoming regular consumers of it.


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Sophie Robinson
Sophie growing up was told by multiple doctors her chronic sinusitis would never subside. Healthy eating, daily exercise and yoga completely cured her and transformed her life. Sophie is now extremely passionate about all things related to health and fitness. She is a fulltime blogger and content contributor at