Steps to Help You Increase Sales and Conversions With Your Online Store


You might have a great product or service but your analytics report show that you are just not making enough money! Not to worry though as there are a number of ways to help increase your conversions. Some of them include the following:

  1. Add things such as customer testimonials, or reviews to help show potential clients that they are in the right place.
  2. Give your potential clients confidence in your online store by having a clear phone number on the site and live chat options where possible. This helps them know that in case they have a question to ask, there is a channel to direct that question.
  3. Having guarantees on your online store can help improve conversions simply because customers are given an added confidence in what you have to offer.
  4. Add upsells or cross-sells where possible in the online store. Upsells help ensure that your customers have the option of getting something else other than what they first wanted. It could be an upgrade to better software or better products to what they were initially looking for.
  5. Try to upsell or cross-sell other products or services you have on offer. This gives your customers many options to choose from. Remember to do the A/B test first to ensure your technique is the right one for your website. What this means is that you should test the upsell before actually making it public. Only go public if you notice great improvements in conversions with the upsell.
  6. Have a clear understanding of your bestselling products. This way, you get an insight of what your customers are really into and make necessary changes. Having an idea of what you sell the best or the most helps you realize what you need to sell more of thus making you more money. When you have the best selling products, you can try cross selling other products as well.
  7. Test different aspects of your website such as the site structure, the product description/ heading, or the checkout process to see which changes bring positive changes and which ones don’t. You should also make changes to your call-to-actions such as changing the colors of the call-to-action buttons and finding out whether or not the change brings about an increase in conversions.
  8. Check with the product images and make necessary changes. A look through your online store may present you with an image that is not quite right. After all, a picture does speak a thousand words. Make sure that the angle is just right, the coloring is great, the lighting is perfect and the zoom in feature is working right.
  9. Showing certifications. People want to buy from someone who is trust worthy. Showing that you’ve had Salesforce Training, installed SSL Certificates and more, are great ways to increase the trust on your website.

Sometimes all it takes is just a simple change and you get to see positive changes to your online store. For example, a simple change in color on the ‘call-to-action’ button may bring the sales pouring in. In the same breath, a simple change in the image such as lighting or filters may be the huge difference you need. Strive to test and find out what worked well for your store and watch the money come pouring in!

Article Credits
Cloud Solutions – Salesforce Training
Entrepreneur – How To Effectively Use Testimonials
WikiHow – How To Upsell
Optimizely – What is A/B Testing?



James Jacobs