The Role of Medical Health Experts


When illness or disease strikes it is important that you feel confident in treating your condition. Some medical issues require the expertise of a doctor who may deal with the situation directly, or they may refer you to a specialist. On the other hand, there are nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants who are also knowledgeable in the field of care. This article provides a brief summary on the role of doctors, nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants and how they can assist you.

The Doctor’s Role

There are many specialist fields in the medical field. Doctors must undergo extensive education to obtain their doctorate in a specific field, this covers undergraduate education followed by medical school, and finally medical education. After the extensive education, a doctor must then apply for a license to practice medicine.

Some doctors specialize in a certain field; for example, psychiatrists specialize in treating mental health conditions, while a pediatrician treats children. Seek the expertise of a doctor if you are concerned about a medical condition, however infection, injury, and headaches can be treated by nurse practitioners, for example. This will save on health insurance costs.

The Nurse Practitioners Role

The role of a nurse practitioner requires that they combine both the clinical expertise and diagnosis of health conditions. Because of their education and training, they can also offer guidance on disease prevention. With over 916 million Americans visiting nurse practitioners each year, it is important that you feel confident in speaking to one, if the need should arise.

Although the role of a nurse practitioner does not require as much extensive education as a doctor, they must gain national certification, attend peer reviews to check for accuracy, evaluate clinical results, while also adhering to a strict code of ethical practices. Their continued learning in this field makes them trustworthy medical practitioners.

Their role is wide and varied, including the organization of diagnostic tests for patients, counseling, the diagnosis and treatment of common problems like hypertension, diabetes, and injury, and the prescribing of medicines. Some nurse practitioners specialize in a field, including oncology, adult health, and mental health, while sub-specialty areas include neurology, dermatology, and endocrinology.

The Physician Assistants Role

A physician assistant has a varied role, including the diagnosis and treatment of illness, carrying out physical exams, assisting medical experts during surgery, and offering preventive care to patients. Their role is dependent on whether they have a specialist field, where they are based, i.e. hospitals or nursing homes, and their medical experience.

The education and training of a physician assistant requires approximately three years of study. Students are required to undertake study in the areas of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and pharmacology. In addition to this, then they have to complete over 2,000 hours of study in various medical settings, including family medicine, psychiatry, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and general surgery.

Choosing a Medical Professional

While doctors can specialize in certain fields, nurse practitioners also offer help and advice through their specialist field. A physician assistant completes over 2,000 years of study in various medical settings and they can take your medicine history, offer counseling on preventative care, and organize and interpret testing. Since healthcare is expensive in America, it is important that you feel confident in liaising with a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. If the nurse practitioner or physician assistant is concerned about your medical issue, they will refer you to a doctor or specialist. Their expertise can save you money on your health insurance, unlike a consultation with a doctor that may cost substantially more.


Helen Garvey
Author of Beauty Zone, Healthy Woman, and New Promo Codes Written on various topics, including finance, relationships, health and beauty, skincare, and health and fitness.