How to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk by Almost 80% with This One Vitamin


Most women want to know how to reduce their breast cancer risk and are willing to change lifestyle habits to achieve a cancer free future. However, even after attempting to live a healthy lifestyle, many still aren’t sure if they’re doing all they can to avoid the dreaded “C” word.

The Mayo Clinic asserts that reducing the risk of breast cancer starts with healthy habits like proper diet and exercise. Plus, limiting or abstaining from alcohol and avoiding synthetic hormones can also help reduce the risk.

Of course, some things like genetics and exposure to harmful, everyday toxins are simply unavoidable and play into whether or not a woman develops breast cancer in her lifetime.

It’s true that there are many factors that go into whether or not someone develops breast cancer. But, wouldn’t it be great if there was at least one, tangible, easy thing you could do that might make a real difference in reducing your chance of getting breast cancer?

According to Dr. Allan Lieberman, noted immunologist, studies have consistently shown that Vitamin D3 alone has been shown to reduce the incidence of breast cancer by almost 80%. That’s an astounding conclusion, considering most women don’t know this simple fact.

By adding this one vitamin to your healthy lifestyle habits, you can dramatically reduce your risk of breast cancer. Of course, sunshine is a major source of vitamin D production, but only between the hours of 11:00 and 1:00 for optimal exposure about 15 minutes a day. Even then, you most likely will not receive what your body actually needs to fight off cancer cells.

So, how do you know when you’ve got the right amount of vitamin D3 in your body? By taking a simple blood test. You can request one from your doctor or you can actually do it at home for yourself with an in-home test kit. Simply prick your finger and send in the results to the lab. You can order test kits online, if you prefer.

How to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk with Vitamin D3

Here are step-by-step instructions from medical professionals about how to lower your breast cancer risk by up to 80% simply by taking vitamin D3.

1. Test your vitamin D3 level – Most doctors agree that the optimum level of vitamin D3 in the blood should be between 45 ng/ml and 50 ng/ml.

2. Take oral vitamin D3 – Add vitamin D3 as an oral supplement if your blood level comes in less than 45 ng/ml. If you need to raise your levels, you can start with 10,000 IU a day of the supplement.

Dr. Lieberman assures women not to be alarmed about a higher dosage of the vitamin because it is not toxic. In fact, he states that, “When you are exposed to the sun, your body naturally produces 10,000 to 20,000 I.U. in approximately a few minutes to a few hours. You are absolutely safe in taking…10,000 I.U. daily as a supplement.” The Vitamin D Council also says that 50,000 I.U. a day can be fine as well. It’s just not typically toxic.

According to health professionals it should take about 2 months to see a difference in your blood level after taking vitamin D3.

3. Retest – You can retest until you reach the appropriate blood level.

4. Maintain dosage – Experts suggest that 1,000 I.U. of daily vitamin D3 may be enough to maintain healthy blood levels, coupled with natural sun exposure 3-5 days a week.

5. Once a year follow-up – In order to assure that your vitamin D3 level remains at peak performance from year to year, you can easily conduct a follow-up test to compare from the previous year.

More Tips about Taking Vitamin D3

  • Choose vitamin D3 not vitamin D2. Even doctors sometimes do not distinguish between the two.
  • Choose an active natural form of Vitamin D3 that is pharmaceutical grade with no fillers or binders. It’s not very expensive.
  • Take it daily rather than once a week for better absorption and consistency.
  • Don’t forget to add a good multivitamin that provides the necessary supplement cofactors that help vitamin D3 work well in your body. Be sure to include magnesium, vitamin K, zinc, boron, and vitamin A for best results.
  • Consult with your doctor about your vitamin D3 levels or find one who is knowledgeable about this important part of women’s health.

For Men, too! Additional Benefits of Taking Vitamin D3

Not only does this super vitamin lower the risk of breast cancer, but it also lowers the risk of colon and prostate cancer. It also helps to prevent heart disease, depression, diabetes, and a multitude of autoimmune diseases. So, men, jump on board with taking vitamin D3 for the almost miraculous benefits!

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Mayo Clinic

Breast Cancer Prevention


P. S. Orr
P.S. Orr is a Certified Green Living Coach and Healthy House expert. She is also Editor of, a trusted resource for Toxic Free, Organic, Green Living information, community and personal help. For more info, visit Her recent book, The Backyard Food Factory is a #1 Best Seller and is available on Amazon. Follow on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook