A pill is a pill right?.. or is it?


With reports claiming that vitamins, such as vitamin A and E, cause cancer, people have become concerned about supplementing their diet with multivitamins or other nutritional products (1). This is legitimate as the majority of these products are made from the oil industry waste and are petroleum based. As such, the body cannot process these products. Consistent with this, I previously mentioned that 10-20% of these petroleum-based supplements are being assimilated by the body (2). In other words, most of the nutrients in them are being eliminated in our stool and urine. In my years of practice, I have seen these products cause great harm to people in the form of kidney problems, adrenal fatigue, and neuropathy, among others. This is why I argued in my previous article that we should utilize whole food based supplements. Let’s go over some critical points that will certainly convince you.

The topsoil is the key

The topsoil is the upper, outermost layer of soil, usually the top 2 to 8 inches depending of the region. It has the richest, highest concentration of organic matter, nutrients, and microorganisms. This is where most of the Earth‘s biological soil activity occurs, ie, the topsoil provides all the necessary nutrients for the plants, trees and all organisms to optimally grow. Unfortunately, as a consequence of intense agriculture over the last several decades and erosion of our soils, the topsoil has almost completely disappeared. Nowadays, the soil is lacking critical nutrients such as magnesium and chromium. This reflects in our food supply as well and explains why virtually every American is deficient in these nutrients. For example, Standard Process (SP) grows their foods in Wisconsin, which is the richest and deepest soil in the United States providing all the necessary nutrients to the plants. Thus, these vegetables and herbs are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, etc. This explains why I have obtained incredible results with my patients suffering a wide variety of illnesses. These supplements provide high concentrations of nutrients assisting or allowing the body to naturally heal itself. Finally, their farm is certified organic. You can be certain there is no pesticides and no GMO in their products, which is critical when you are trying to recover from any health issues.

Food synergy is fundamental

Today, research shows that single vitamins taken out of the food is not as effective in promoting health as eating the whole food. The reason is that whole food is a complex and integrated group of associated substances. These substances include vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, enzymes, fats, carbohydrates, nucleotides and important currently unknown micronutrients.  There are thousands of micronutrients that we are still discovering and thousands more remained to be identified. Each food is a unique combination of these factors at specific concentrations. To better explain this concept, let’s take vitamin E as an example. In the health community, people believe that vitamin E is a mix of different tocopherols and tocotrinenols (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta). But the truth is that the real vitamin E contains these tocopherols and tocotrinenols in addition to selenium, xanthine, the cholesterol digester lipositol, omega-3 and -6, an anti-angina factor, a hormonal precursor, and most likely other compounds not yet identified. We can see that Mother Nature is very complex. Therefore, isolating vitamin E from a food is not the same and is not as effective as using the whole food with all its constituents. In fact, taking these isolated vitamins can lead potentially to stressed metabolism in detoxification organs. Efficient use of the isolated vitamins requires them to be combined with constituents normally present in the whole vitamin complex with which they act synergistically. When these additional constituents are not consumed with the vitamin, they must be derived from nutrient storage sites in the body. Therefore, continued ingestion of synthetic and isolated vitamins can lead to deficiencies of other essential nutritional factors. The synergism that exists between these individual constituents of the whole foods provides for a dynamic physiological response in which the benefits of the whole exceed the sum of the parts. For example, we may use 100 IU of vitamin E from whole food supplements instead of several hundred units from other brands. As a result, we observe a marked therapeutic effect from much smaller quantities of nutrients.

In conclusion, supplementing our diet is primordial as we now know that our soils are depleted in several nutrients. The best vitamins are those made from whole foods in order to preserve their synergistic activity. In this condition, we can obtain a therapeutic benefit from these products and truly address the causes of health problems that people develop over their lifetime.


  1. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080715204719.htm
  2. http://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/poison-body-poor-quality-supplements/
  3. http://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/main-cause-diseases/
Dr. Serge Gregoire
Dr. Serge is a clinical nutritionist. He owns a doctorate degree in nutrition from McGill University in Canada. In addition, he completed a 7-year postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts where he studied the impact of fat as it relates to heart disease.

He has authored a book on this topic that is awaiting publication with Edition Berger publishers in Canada. He holds an advance certification in Nutrition Response Testing (SM) from Ulan Nutritional Systems in Florida and he is a certified herbalist through the Australian College of Phytotherapy.

His personalized nutritional programs allow to help individuals with a wide variety of health concerns such as hormonal imbalance, digestive issues, heart-related conditions, detoxes/cleanses, weight loss, fatigue, migraines, allergies, among others.