Medicine’s Biggest Threat – Healing Cancer With HEMP OIL


The reputation of Cannabis drastically increased over the past few years, since its ability to cure cancer had been proven in many instances. According to studies conducted over the past 10 years confirmed the magical power that this plant has when it comes to cancer healing. In many countries consumption of this plant is not legal, and therefore medicine accepts only radiation and chemotherapy as cancer treatments. According to the findings, when taking into consideration the impact that cannabis has on cancer cells, governments should inform people about their options and let them make their own decision.

Namely, Cannabinoids (Every group of connected particles that include cannabinol and other active substances of cannabis) are able to activate the cannabinoid receptors in the human’s body, which produces endocannabioids – particles that take part in many vital processes, creating a healthy environment.

The number of people that are relying on this kind of cancer healing is constantly increasing and many of the ‘victims’ chose this alternative treatment instead of paying great amounts of money for chemotherapy.

In continuation, you are going to be resented the original recipe for Rick Simpson’s hemp oil. Simpson is a medical marijuana activist that over the past few years had a goal to inform people about the healing ability of hemp oil. After winning over his metastatic cancer back in 2003, he decided to share his experience and help others beat cancer as well.

First of all, you need an ounce of dried cannabis, which gives approximately 3-4 grams of oil.


Make sure that the herb is dried well and place in a plastic bucket. Decide on a solvent that you want to use and damp the herb with it (you can use pure naphtha, ether, butane, or even water. For extracting the THC from each pound, you need 500 ml of solvent per ounce. Crush the material by using a clean wood. While crushing the material slowly add solvent until the herb is completely soaked. Stir for few minutes. After this procedure, the THC from the herb is dissolved into the solvent.

Move the solvent oil mixture in another bowl. At this stage, the herb had lost approximately 80 % of its THC. Now it is time for repeating the procedure by adding a second dose of solvent and constantly stir until the rest of THC gets dissolved. Remove the herb material. Strain the mixture into another, clean bowl, using a coffee filter. Boil the mixture

Strain the solvent mixture into a clean container using a coffee filter.

Boil the solvent on a high heat by using a rice cooker that you are going to fill it about ¾. As the volume decreases, add a few drops of water, which will release the mixture residue ad protect the oil from the heat.

Evtim Kjosev
Born in Macedonia, student at University St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola and owner of