Maintaining Your Eco Home


Buying or building an eco-friendly home is an excellent step towards reducing a carbon footprint and helping the environment, but more can always be done to save energy and resources. Multiple things can be done to improve a home that already has some eco-friendly traits; some of these are small projects that can get overlooked easily while others are larger-scale projects that did not get done during the first period of greening the house.

Aerators on Faucets

Some faucets come with aerators, but some do not. These mesh screens can be easily screwed into most faucets and work by breaking up water droplets to both increase water pressure and decrease the amount of water used. Aerators are cheap, easy to install, and make an instant water-saving impact. Their smallness makes them easy to overlook, so green homeowners should check all faucets for aerators and install them if they are not present.


Sealing a home against the elements is another relatively cheap and easy but often-forgotten method of saving energy. The more conditioned air a house can trap inside, the less energy the air conditioning unit has to expend in order to cool or heat the house. Weatherstripping on windows and doors can wear out over time, so green homeowners should check their weatherstripping periodically in order to prevent all that hot or cool air from escaping their homes.

Smart Ceiling Fan

Many energy-saving efforts center around air conditioning of some sort; installing a smart ceiling fan is another such green method of air conditioning. Ceiling fans work by evaporating moisture on the skin via direct contact with circulating air, so they are ineffective when a person is not in the room. Smart fans are often 50% more efficient than standard models and can be used in conjunction with a motion sensor to only operate when a person is in the room. They can also allow the homeowner to lower their air conditioning setting by about 5 degrees, saving money on the electric bill.

Epoxy Flooring

Coating a floor with epoxy in a kitchen, garage, etc. is another economically friendly option for green homeowners to consider. Epoxy is highly durable, is made of resin and other natural materials, and has no dangerous contaminants when applied as a coating. Epoxy flooring is especially good for garages or other places where heavy work or play will be going on.

For more eco friendly flooring options, check out this post.

Insulation of Hot Water Pipes

Insulating hot water pipes may get overlooked initially because pipes are hidden from view. Any time hot water is used, that heat begins bleeding off into the house the moment the water faucet is turned off. Applying polyethylene foam tubes to the pipes can increase the cool-down time of hot water pipes by two or three times the norm without insulation.

There are always new methods of going green becoming available due to society’s increasing awareness of eco-friendly measures, so homeowners should constantly be on the lookout for new methods of saving energy and helping the environment. There are also the basic measures of turning off the lights when not in the room (or installing motion detectors for that purpose) and not running the water while brushing teeth that can save energy and water. Cleaning with eco-friendly cleaners rather than toxic ones can also help the environment.
