Lemon Plus Garlic Solution Clear Heart Blockages & Declogging Arteries


Clogged arteries, technically called atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, occurs when plaque builds up inside the walls of your arteries, causing them to narrow. Artery plaque is made up of cholesterol, inflammatory cells, fat and other waste materials.
When it hardens, artery plaque prevents blood circulating efficiently and puts strain on the heart muscle, eventually causing high blood pressure and heart disease.

When the level of “bad” cholesterol is too high, it can build up on your artery walls. This decreases blood flow and can put you at risk for heart attack or stroke. Arteries are blocked and hard due to excessive intake of fats, white sugar and high-cholesterol foods. When arteries are blocked, blood flow is restricted, and in time this may trigger a heart attack or stroke.

Symptoms of blocked arteries

-Acute discomfort in the center or left of the chest
-Frequent bouts of indigestion
-Tightening of the jaws
-General irritability

Here are 2 mixture recipes that clear heart blockages and regulates blood lipids.

Lemon with Garlic Mixture: Perfect for Clearing Heart Blockages

Method #1


Lemon juice 1 cup
Ginger juice 1cup
Garlic juice 1 cup
Apple vinegar 1 cup


Mix all and boil for half hour, or until balance of 3 cups.
Let it cool, then mix 3 cups of natural honey.
Transfer to glass bottle and keep in fridge.
Every morning, before breakfast, take one tablespoon.

Method #2

If the blood vessels in the brain or around the heart are clogged up, drink daily one shot glass of the following mixture out of cloves of garlic and unpeeled lemons.


6 peeled lemons, cut into small pieces.
30 cloves garlic, chopped to small pieces.


Put in food processor or blender, top up with adequate water, and blend.
Pour into pot and add 2 litres of water.
Bring to boil and simmer for another five minutes.
When cooled, sieve the liquid and transfer into glass bottle.
Discard the residue.
Store in fridge.

Directions for consumption:

1. First Dosage: Drink 50ml each day for three weeks.
2. Then stop for one week.
3. Second Dosage: Drink 50ml each day for the next three weeks.

You may repeat this treatment every 6 months.

Sources include:




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Baking Soda Plus Lemon- Saves 1000’s Of Lives Each Year

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Geary Andrew
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Minor in business and liberal arts. I've written about health for more than a decade. Veteran freelance writer with expertise in health, wellness, parenting and lifestyle issues. I am passionate about educating and empowering people to achieve and maintain optimal health and is committed to providing the highest quality health care.