Is Hypnosis Really Viable for Weight Loss? Six Weight Loss Studies You Should Know About


Hypnosis is one field of alternative therapy that has been widely researched. Many areas, including pain relief, sports performance, stress reduction, smoking cessation and weight loss have been the subject of scientific inquiry.

Hypnosis for weight loss is the topic of this post. Is there scientific research to back the popular notion that hypnosis actually works to help you lose weight?

This post examines six studies that suggest there is a legitimate connection between hypnosis and weight loss. If you’re considering a drug-free alternative approach, hypnosis should be among the potentially viable options.

Six Hypnosis and Weight Loss Studies

1) According to the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, when combining current methods of weight loss with hypnosis, clients lost up to 97% more weight than without hypnosis. Also, those who continued with hypnosis after the initial study kept 146% of the weight off (meaning they not only kept it off, but they continued to lose it as well).

2) In 1986, the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology conducted another study that took a group of 60 women and subjected them to several different types of hypnosis, including group motivational and ego-boosting hypnosis, and decision making. The results were that the group receiving hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the group without it lost an average of 5.

3) A study conducted by the Journal of Clinical Psychology in 1985 took one hundred and nine subjects and divided them into two groups. The first group participated in behavioral therapy, while the other group participated in hypnosis to aid in their weight loss. Both groups ended up losing a significant amount of weight, but the hypnosis group kept it off and continued to lose a substantial amount more, concluded by follow ups with each client.

4) A study performed by the Canadian Psychiatric Association took a group of clinically obese women, and applied hypnosis in an attempt to change their approach to over-eating. The results were that they lost an average of 2-3 lbs more when enforcing hypnosis, though follow-ups need to take place to draw conclusive evidence.

5) In 1980, a journal called Psychological Reports performed a study on 6 women aged 21-36, and subjected them to hypnotherapy while they were trying to lose weight. Then, they compared their results to other studies in which the women were subjected to behavioral therapy. The hypnosis clients showed a shorter term of treatment and a greater loss of weight, and they kept it off better than the behavioral therapy group did.

6) In 1985 the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis performed a study in which they taught a group of men self-hypnosis to aid in their weight loss. Of these men, all of them showed significant weight loss attributed with their personal degree hypnotizability. The more easily hypnotized they were, the more weight they lost.


Retrieved from

Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management. – PubMed – NCBI. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Efficacy Research ~ Hypnosis For Weight Loss – (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hypnotherapy for Weight Control. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hypnotizability as a Factor in the Hypnotic Treatment of Obesity: International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis: Vol 33, No 2. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Three Studies of Hypnosis for Weight Loss. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Mike Bundrant
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Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

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