How To: Real Fasting for True Detoxification


This article covers the first major form of detoxification, fasting, discussed in the first article in this series covering the six true forms of detoxification, linked here:


Fasting is a major form of detoxification that has become increasingly accepted due to its popularization in the media in the last decade.  Its benefits can’t be replicated—the clarity of mind and cleansing of deeply-stored toxins it provides put fasting in a class of its own.  But its popularization has also brought about some key misunderstandings that have to be cleared up so that real fasting is not confused with very shallow forms of fasting, which have become more commonplace due to lack of proper information.

A real fast is a cessation of all solid food for a period of time, preferably of at least seven days.  Why seven days?  Because it’s only after the first three days that the body’s digestive system effectively shuts down, and the release of stored toxins can begin.  The first three days are generally the hardest—the experience doesn’t so much feel like fasting as it does starving, because the digestive system is still active.  But once the three day mark is reached, the fast begins to bear real fruit.  Hunger becomes less pressing, and toxins throughout the tissue and cells of the body begin to discharge years of toxic residue into the blood, which the body can then eliminate through the bowels or expend partially through calorie expenditure, when the body begins to use its excess body fat for energy.  Four days after the initial three days can be enough to experience of many of these benefits, but the longer the fast, the deeper cleanse.

Beyond the issue of duration, there are two types of fasts—water fasts and liquid fasts, by liquid meaning any liquid, including juices and broths.  Water fasts are much more intense—they can speed up the rate of cleansing immensely, but they are harder to do.  Since the body doesn’t receiving any nutrients, it begins to burn excess fat cells and release toxins at a faster speed.  This inundation of toxins into the blood can cause long bouts of brain fog—a feeling of mental cloudiness—and lack of energy, but to a degree, the rate of cleansing might even be double that of a broader liquid-only fast.

Liquid-only fasts tend to be much more pleasant—in fact, after the first three days, most people experience more energy than they may have had in years if they subsist mostly on fresh juices.  Without digestive processes to slow the body down, the body can feed directly on easily absorbed micronutrients to use as an energy source.  The downside is that it takes much longer to experience the cleansing benefits of a water-only fast, but liquid fasts tend to make the experience much more enjoyable, and manageable.  The “Master Cleanse” fast of subsisting on lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper falls under this category.

Coming off a fast needs to be paid its proper due as well.  Because the digestive system has been effectively shut off, it needs to be awakened carefully, starting with the most easily digestible foods, and then progressing from there.  A gentle first day meal might be some citrus fruit.  The longer the fast, the more slowly regular food needs to be reintroduced to the body.  If you proceed too quickly, you might be in for some real stomach pain.

While a fast can be an arduous process, the benefits are well worth it.  It can provide lasting excess weight loss, sustained energy beyond the confines of the fasting period, long-term clarity of mind, and a greater ability for the body to overcome and prevent major disease.  If you’ve never tried a fast, it’s never too late to start.

Jonathan Cho