‘The Gift of Peace’ by Tony Samara


“Many people have asked me for the meaning of Peace and how Peace can be put into practice in daily life.

I would like to share with you that Peace is often thought of as a state of non-violence. That it can only be reached through political means or by changing what seems to be the source of conflict outside of ourselves. I highly commend the wonderful people in the world that have made a difference in bringing Peace to the conflicts of the world but I believe that Peace comes from inside.

When we understand that Peace is a state of mind then we understand true Peace.

A good starting point for our state of mind to understand Peace – a state of mind that is often used to the turmoil and chaos that we are faced with, through the infliction of pain and suffering that we perceive as agitating the serenity of our essence – is to remember to nourish the body by not inflicting this turmoil and chaos onto it.

When we are conscious of what we do to our body, when we are conscious that every action that we take creates a momentum that moves through the body, then we understand that simple actions such as eating, drinking, walking, working, what we read, what we listen to, what we entertain ourselves with, creates a momentum that effects the body and hence the mind.

If we inflict pain onto our body by unconscious actions that violate the harmony of the body, that violate the temple that is our body, then we move away from the serenity that is our essence, the serenity that is peace,  into a state of turbulence. This then becomes apparent and manifest in the world as a state of non-peace.

In this way, each individual has a great capacity to be mindful of every action that they are part of.

Be aware that what is not healthy for your body is not healthy for your mind. Be aware that if you are addicted to watching conflict outside of yourself such as the negativities that the media, films, radio and other entertainments often ‘thrill’ the mind with, then it takes a lot for the mind to remember the serenity that is its essence as it spends time digesting through the many layers of forgetfulness that is caused by such actions.

It is our quest to honour our beings by nourishing body, mind and spirit with the purest nourishment that we know of so that we can cultivate, and not only talk about, Peace from within.

Now there is a new, amazing paradigm shift happening whereby the old sense of treating the temple (meaning ourselves) harshly and with a lack of consciousness, that our ancestors and culture in the past condoned as necessary, is shifting and shifting rapidly.

This means that what we bring to ourselves and to our consciousness such as foods and drinks, tv programmes, magazines, books, films, conversations and other such things no longer need to contain intoxicants that keep us separate from pure consciousness.

Please be aware that if these intoxicating aspects are used in a way that poison or damage your body or consciousness that you harm not only yourself but also future generations. Interestingly you also negate your possibility to understand that fear, anger and confusion are not eradicated through numbing oneself and that by nourishing yourself purely from a conscious space you help yourself to become more alive and create an alive sense of Peace deep inside.

It is time now to let go of any diet or other nourishment that brings fear, anger, confusion or violence into our body, mind or emotions by consuming only those things which bring Peace to ourselves and other living beings rather than continuing to cultivate the old paradigm within our bodies, minds and emotions.

I believe that Peace is generosity. It is learning to cultivate a loving kindness that brings well-being to our body, mind and emotions as well as to people, animals, plants, the earth, the universe –  everything that shares this beautiful world with us.

When we consciously share our time, our energy, our money, our resources, in a way that is conscious then we respect others and ourselves and this respect prevents what feeds disharmony and conflict.

All these conscious actions accumulate so many beneficial and beautiful manifestations.

Embrace conscious actions.

Be generous to yourself and others.

Live a simpler, healthier, more compassionate and peaceful lifestyle for the benefit of all.

Allow yourself to share this Peace with humanity.”

– Tony Samara

With the guidance of Tony Samara, discover a path of profound transformation, evolution of consciousness and inner peace. This path is open to all people from all walks of life who seek Health, Happiness and Inner Wisdom. www.tonysamara.com

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Tony Samara
Author and Spiritual Teacher at Tony Samara Meditation
Tony Samara, world-renowned spiritual teacher & author of 16 books, has been sharing deep spiritual work & energy transmission for the evolution of consciousness for over 25 years. Combining meditation, detoxing the body, a plant-based diet & simple lifestyle, he is best known for how his work touches more deeply than words. http://www.TonySamara.com

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