Find Best Multivitamin: Some Tips for Vitamins


We believe that multivitamin product may help us make up the shortage of our diet. Although we didn’t find any solid evidence can prove this until now. According to a study from U.S. Preventive Service Task Force, there is inadequate evidence regarding a benefit or risk of harm with multivitamins in healthy adults without nutritional deficiencies.


Some evidences from research stated that male physicians fifty years old and older if take a modest dose multivitamin daily have a low risk, about 8%, of cancers.


As of women, a study suggested that women (50 – 79 years old) those used multivitamins were have a 30% less risk of death rate of invasive breast cancer.


The formula of each multivitamin supplement is slightly different on the market. At the same time, you’ll find that the qualities are also differing greatly among the product. You may learn to know how to choose the best multivitamin for men, or best multivitamin for women. But as a basic knowledge, you should focus on the following ingredients which are playing key role in one multivitamin supplement:


1, Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential with the function supporting good vision and skin. It also called retinol in supplement label, including retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate, as well as beta-carotene. You may easily find vitamin A from foods, such as animal’s liver, carrots and spinach. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body when the body demands.


2, Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a family contains B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, and B12.

Here is the benefits list for each of vitamin B:

B1 (Thiamin): nervous system function;

B2 (Riboflavin): vision and skin;

B3 (Niacin): help release energy from carbohydrates;

B6 (Pyridoxine): immune and nervous systems, help in metabolism;

B9 (Folate): reduce risk of some birth defects; keep homocysteine level;

B12: build blood cells;


3, Vitamin D

Vitamins D help the absorption of calcium in the body to promote strong bones and teeth. We can easily absorb it from milks and some foods, as well as exposure to sunlight. If you’re deficient of vitamin D, it will lead to a increasing risk of heart attack, Parkinson disease, depression and rheumatoid arthritis. Also may increase the incidence of certain disease.


4, Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and can be obtained from some foods, such as seeds, whole grains, vegetable oils, and nuts. There is some possibility that it may reduce risk of prostate cancer if intake in high dose.


You may refer to RDAs for a detail intake level which may be safe based on your age, gender and physical condition before you take any supplement. And the best multivitamin supplements should be qualified for all of these conditions to provide an adequate and targeted nutrition in your regimen.



Nancy Nelson