Find the Best Espresso Machine with this Buying Guide


With so many espresso machines available on the market, how do you know how to find the best espresso machine for your needs? The answer lies within solid research and the 6 point buying guide below will help you to finding the right model for you.

What to look for in an espresso machine:

Coffee bean grinder

This is an important feature to consider before buying an espresso machine. This will depend on consumer preference and lifestyle. People who like their coffee freshly brewed usually prefer an espresso machine with an inbuilt grinder where coffee beans are grounded to brew coffee. Some machines lack coffee bean grinders and this means coffee beans are grounded from the store or using a different appliance before making coffee.

Ability to froth milk

Frothing milk is a very essential aspect of an espresso machine. Before choosing an espresso machine consider if it can make other espresso related drinks like cappuccino and Americano. A frother is therefore essential aspect so to froth milk before it is released through the sprout. A frother is not a must have feature in all espresso machines but it is an additional feature in some espresso machines. This makes the machine flexible enough to prepare other coffee drinks.

Pouring water in the machine

Some machines have a small mouth and this means you may need a funnel to pour water into the machine. Others have large openings where you can easily pour water. There are also big machines which have large water dispensers to store water although these are for commercial use. It is important to consider how you will pour water or milk into the machine.

Holding capacity

This determines the quantity of water or coffee beans the machine can hold. The use of the machine will determine which capacity to consider. A home espresso machine can hold up to 8 cups which is sufficient for home use. There are still other bigger machines which can be used for offices or commercial use.

Ease in cleaning

Cleaning an espresso machine may not be easy and therefore it is important to consider an easy to clean machine. An easy clean machine should be easy to assemble and reassemble back. This will ensure that all parts of the machine are cleaned with ease. Cleaning an espresso machine regularly increases the lifespan of the machine.

General look of the machine

An espresso machine may come in different colors and textures and this is an important consideration to look at. It may come in black, white or stainless steel. An espresso machine should match with the other appliances in the home otherwise it will create a very big contrast in your kitchen. Other features include location of the plug, sprout and other aesthetic features.

See Also: Things to Consider Before Buying a New Coffee Maker





I'm Olivia, a stay at home mother from Australia and I blog at I have a sports science background and attained a Bachelor of Applied Science (Ex. Sci.). I believe in self-sustaining, eco-friendly family life, and I hope to inspire others in their pursuit of the same.