Is There a Connection Between Some Types of Cancer and Blood Glucose Levels?


Having insulin levels in your blood can promote an environment for certain tumors to grow easily. Although further studies are still needed, there’s still a cause for concern.

Colon and colorectal cancer and high blood glucose connection

According to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, those middle-aged men who constantly eat a diet that can raise blood glucose fast have 32 percent chances of developing colon or rectal cancer.

The study also stated that the heavier they are, the stronger the connection is.

Breast cancer

In another study conducted by the Women’s Health Study, those women who are living a sedentary life and following a blood glucose-raising diet were said to have 135 percent chances of developing breast cancer in seven years compared to those who are eating a glucose-friendly food.

The women in that study were not yet in their menopausal stage.

Similar studies in Canada, Mexico, and Italy were also conducted and the results were similar.

Other cancers that form a connection with blood glucose levels

In addition to colon, rectal and breast cancers, prostate and pancreatic cancers may also develop if you continuously follow a blood glucose-raising diet.

But what are the foods that can easily elevate your blood glucose levels?

You can call them as modern-day foods loaded with refined carbs and high GI index. They’re foods that can send your blood glucose through the roof and collapse soon after. Once it crashes, you’ll feel irritable and hungry.

They can make you feel hungry easily while putting your energy down and your waistline out.

White bread, French fries, sugary foods, crispy flakes, burgers and pancakes are just few of the examples of foods that can significantly raise your blood glucose levels.

For many of us, our body can easily bring our blood glucose levels to normal within a few hours of eating those foods. However, if you continuously consume this type of meals, then you’re risking yourself damaging your body.

Even if they won’t cause diabetes, they can still put you at risk of developing several types of diseases and cancers.

Even if you’re thin or healthy, you may still experience a spike in your blood glucose levels. Thus, as much as possible, avoid those foods to prevent yourself from developing those types of cancers.


Janey Danes
Janey is a licensed laboratory scientist. She's also a blogger and loves to play tennis. You can find her work at Vimchi, Travel Philippines and Medical Technology Avenue.