Category: Food

Yellowroot: Amazing Herbal Medicine

Yellowroot: Amazing Herbal Medicine

Yellow Root – Yellow root is anti-inflammatory and a natural antibiotic. The plant can help in the treatment of sinus infections, bladder problems, colds, flu, sore throat, laryngitis, mouth sores, colitis, gastritis, chest congestion, and earache. Yellow root is a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Medicine, Personal Care
Study: A Glass of Red Wine May Be Equivalent to an Hour at the Gym

Study: A Glass of Red Wine May Be Equivalent to an Hour at the Gym

For those of you who like to extol the virtues of wine-drinking or enjoying decompressing after a hard day’s work with a nightly glass of cabernet, there is good news. Recent studies have shown that this wine may be even… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, News
How Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Dental Health

How Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Dental Health

An old folk remedy that still used today to help treat and prevent oral problems is oil pulling. Oil pulling is believed to pull toxins from the mouth and heal cavities. It is also known to relieve gum diseases and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Nutrition, Recipes
Asthma caution: 12 tips to manage asthma this Christmas

Asthma caution: 12 tips to manage asthma this Christmas

National Asthma Council Australia CEO Kristine Whorlow says most people don’t know that cypress and pine trees produce high amounts of pollen, which can trigger asthma and hay fever symptoms. “And, like many indoor plants, real Christmas trees can harbour… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Food, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition, Personal Care
5 Home remedies for sinus infections

5 Home remedies for sinus infections

Sinus infections, often caused by allergies, the presence of nasal polyps, a deviated septum or exposure to irritants like cigarette smoke, are painful, often inflammatory conditions of the hollow, air-filled sacs which lie behind the cheekbones and forehead. These infections… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
Natural sweetener truvia also healthy alternative to pesticides

Natural sweetener truvia also healthy alternative to pesticides

Evidence has recently come to light that the Truvia, the popular, plant-based sugar substitute, might also become a greener alternative to pesticides. The study This new research, published in the journal PLOS One, found that one of the main components… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Personal Care
Dandelion Root Cancer Cure? At No Cost!

Dandelion Root Cancer Cure? At No Cost!

The dandelion plant (Taraxacum officinale) is a hardy perennial that grows wild in temperate regions worldwide. It has a thick, long taproot that has been used for centuries as a medicinal aid. Native Americans boiled the dandelion plant and used… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, GMOs, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Water
Stomach Flu: 12 Powerful Herbal Home remedies

Stomach Flu: 12 Powerful Herbal Home remedies

It hits everyone now and then… that queasy, rolling pain and the mad dash to the bathroom. A stomach virus can be sneaky. Sometimes it strikes like a sledgehammer, at other times you might not even realize that is what… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine
Thyme Oil: A Powerful Natural Antibiotic

Thyme Oil: A Powerful Natural Antibiotic

Most people who read a lot on natural health or medicine know that one of the big problems in medicine in the overuse of antibiotics. This has led to many problems, perhaps the most serious of which is the rise… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Recipes
Shilajit: 7 Miracle of himalaya

Shilajit: 7 Miracle of himalaya

The resin like substance known as Shilajit has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine as an all important component in the preparation of many different remedies. Also called asphaltum, mineral pitch and girijj, Shilajit is actually decomposed plant matter that… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Food, Food, Health, Health, Medicine, Nutrition, Personal Care