Category: Food

8 tricks for avocado lovers

8 tricks for avocado lovers

Although historically a drought in California probably raise their prices to a new level, the popularity of avocados that would not hurt. It is no coincidence: this creamy green fruit containing monounsaturated fats, fiber, folic acid, and phytosterols- great for… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition
8 Shocking Signs You Might Have Gluten Sensitivity

8 Shocking Signs You Might Have Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity and intolerance can manifest as much more than just IBS-like symptoms and stomach problems. That’s why doctors are more likely to dismiss the idea that you even have this because if they don’t hear about digestive problems as… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Care
How to Speed Your Metabolism Up In 14 Ways

How to Speed Your Metabolism Up In 14 Ways

Study shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently, especially if you hit the gym. Following are some simple ways to boost your metabolism faster than you can say ‘I want to lose weight’. 1)Keep your body… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Health, Home, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Care, Strength Training, Weight Loss
Picky Eating Now Recognized as an Eating Disorder

Picky Eating Now Recognized as an Eating Disorder

Are you or someone you know consistently shunning certain foods, repeatedly plucking off undesirable items from meals or avoiding a type of food altogether? If so, you may have what’s now been recognized in the latest edition of Diagnostic and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Mental Health, News, Nutrition
The Intricate Details About The Moringa Tree

The Intricate Details About The Moringa Tree

The Intricate Details About The Moringa Tree! Growing a Moringa Tree can be challenging, they grow best in warm tropical weather. In this type of weather this will allow the moringa oleifera species to be exact, to grow continually without… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Personal Care
Kick INSOMNIA in the GUT & Prevent Weight Gain

Kick INSOMNIA in the GUT & Prevent Weight Gain

Having good sleeping habits is a very big part of health. Yet over 60% of the adult population suffers from insomnia. I think it’s time to shed a little light on this dark subject and show just how insomnia can… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Computers, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, GMOs, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Science, Weight Loss
Color of your urine reveals about your health

Color of your urine reveals about your health

Urine is made up of excess water and waste that your kidneys have filtered. Urochrome, a pigment found in blood, gives urine its natural light yellow tone. Depending on how hydrated you are, you urine color can fluctuate from clear… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Medicine, Personal Care, Water
5 Magical Drinks That Will Make You Full of Energy

5 Magical Drinks That Will Make You Full of Energy

These magical drinks will help your body to throw out all the toxins, your immune system will elevate and the condition of your digestive tract will improve. Consume these natural “energy-boosters”, your body will be full of energy! Apple Energy… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition, Recipes
Why Giving Up on Gluten Doesn’t Necessarily Make You Healthy

Why Giving Up on Gluten Doesn’t Necessarily Make You Healthy

We are today exposed to a barrage of information regarding the harmful effects or the benefits of the foods we consume. This further adds to our perplexity about whether or not to consume a certain food item. Oftentimes, our decisions… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Nutrition
Dandelion Root Tea: Detox Liver, Prevent UTI And Annihilate Cancer Cells

Dandelion Root Tea: Detox Liver, Prevent UTI And Annihilate Cancer Cells

Dandelion Root Tea has been used for medicinal purposes by Native Americans for hundreds of years.* It is high in Vitamins A, B, C and D and minerals iron, potassium and zinc. Herbal Tea can support our general health and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Nutrition, Personal Care, Recipes, Water