Category: Home

10 House Plants That Improve Air Quality

10 House Plants That Improve Air Quality

Indoor air pollution can be a big problem in many homes, but fortunately there is a great natural solution for this – houseplants. Houseplants fight indoor air pollution by both cleaning up toxins from the air and by producing oxygen… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Gardening, Home, Lifestyle, News
Every Parent Should Know Basic First Aid

Every Parent Should Know Basic First Aid

Most children under a certain age are accident probe. This is because children are exposed to a number of risks in their active everyday lives. Basic first aid for children offers invaluable training for all parents, regardless of the child’s… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, Personal Care
5 Plants That Repel Garden Insect Pests

5 Plants That Repel Garden Insect Pests

If you like to plant crops or even grow a garden, maybe you have thought to use pesticides or insecticides to rid your garden of pests. Maybe you’ve seen slugs devouring your cabbage, or even other type of pests eating… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Gardening, Home, Lifestyle, News
5 Easy Ways to Fit Chia Seeds Into Your Diet – Besides Smoothies

5 Easy Ways to Fit Chia Seeds Into Your Diet – Besides Smoothies

Raw and certified organic Chia seeds are in a class with the healthiest foods on the planet. This beneficial and amazing super food should be a staple in everyone’s diet. Chia seeds are very high both in fiber and in… 0 Shares | | Posted in Aquaponics, Child Care, Farming, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Gardening, Health, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Physics, Recipes, Science, Strength Training, Water, Weight Loss
The 4 Best Herbal Cleaning Recipes You Should Try

The 4 Best Herbal Cleaning Recipes You Should Try

Using herbs to clean is a great way to stay ‘green’.  Making your own natural cleaning products saves you money and gives you peace of mind:  You will always know exactly what you are using and will not have to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Gardening, Home, Recipes
Exposure to Heavy Metals: Dangers Hidden in Plain Sight

Exposure to Heavy Metals: Dangers Hidden in Plain Sight

Certain metals are found naturally in the body, and are vital to human health. Like zinc, for example, which is a co-factor in over 100 enzyme reactions, and iron which prevents anemia. Normally, they occur at lower concentrations and are… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Chemtrails, Child Care, Electropollution, Environment, Farming, Food, Gardening, GMOs, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Pets and Animals, Pharmaceuticals, Physics, Science, Vaccines, Water
Natural Floor Cleaning for Almost Any Situation

Natural Floor Cleaning for Almost Any Situation

Whether it is in your home or place of work, floors need to be kept clean at all times. When neglected, they become breeding grounds for bacteria, germs and disease causing pathogens. According to a recent study and infographic report… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Home
10 of the Best Essential Oils for Treating All Kinds of Illnesses

10 of the Best Essential Oils for Treating All Kinds of Illnesses

Like many other wholistic remedies, essential oils are a great way to improve overall health, treat cold and flu symptoms, calm nerves, elevate your mood and generally create a world that just all around smells better. You could spend a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Home, Nutrition, Personal Care
Raw Organic Cacao vs Cocoa: 5 Amazing Benefits of Making The Switch

Raw Organic Cacao vs Cocoa: 5 Amazing Benefits of Making The Switch

What is a Superfood? Superfoods are just as they sound – foods that contain quantities that are significantly higher of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other immune-boosting, disease fighting and anti-aging properties. Some are whole foods that are eaten every day… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Food, Food, GMOs, Health, Home, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care
7 Common Hidden Toxins Hanging Out in Your Kitchen That You Should Know

7 Common Hidden Toxins Hanging Out in Your Kitchen That You Should Know

The kitchen is the place you create nourishing foods and beverages for the family. It is even the place, you gather during mealtimes to help your family and friends bond while sharing some good laughs. The kitchen is also the… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Health, Health, Home, Water