Entries by mothernature


Marathon Blues: How To Avoid Injuries While Marathon Training

Training for a marathon is an arduous task, even for experienced runners. It takes a lot of time and effort, both mentally and physically, to prepare yourself for a 26.2-mile trek. Unfortunately, a lot of runners may not know the… 0 Shares |

The Benefits of Beta Glucan

What is Beta Glucan? Beta glucan is a biologically active polysaccharide that is comprised of only glucose polymers.  It can be found naturally in the cell walls of baker’s yeast, the bran from barley and oats, and a variety of… 0 Shares |

10 Fitness Steps Toward A Happier Lifestyle

Exercise is sometimes generalized as an excruciating uphill battle. Fundamentally speaking, the key to being fit is repetition. We know from our experiences that most activities become enjoyable when we do them habitually. Making lifestyle changes, venturing outside more, and… 0 Shares |