Entries by Kayla Matthews


Kayla Matthews is a healthy living blogger who has a passion for living well, happily and productively. You can follow her on Google+ and Twitter, or find her at ProductivityTheory.com.

Preventative Aging Measures Every Woman Should Take

Growing older is inevitable, but looking older isn’t. Brown spots, wrinkles, fine lines: All of these are bound to hit every woman eventually. If there were a magical way to postpone these signs of aging that will let you grow… 0 Shares |

5 Habits That Ruin Your Sleep

Almost everyone has trouble getting shut-eye from time to time, but if you’re having difficulty drifting off more frequently than that, lifestyle habits may be to blame. Keep reading to learn about five of those, plus how to change your… 0 Shares |

North Carolina Fights to Restore Oyster Population

It’s hard to believe now, but North Carolina was once a haven for oysters. Rewind the clocks to the 1880s, when records show just how many of the shelled creatures were harvested from the state’s coastlines. Around this time, fisherman… 0 Shares |

Productivity Tips for Renovating Your Yard

Spring is nearly here and you’re dying for a lush lawn and colorful flowers to brighten up the world after a long and gloomy winter. Still dreading the yardwork? You aren’t alone. Even if you love dressing up your yard,… 0 Shares |

How to Get Back Into Your Outdoor Running Routine

The cold winter weather will be headed out soon. With warm spring days on the way, you can look forward to swapping the treadmill for sweet, fresh air. Running outside will surely be a pleasant change. However, with all the… 0 Shares |

How to Protect Yourself from a Gas Leak

Natural gas is an eco-friendly method used for cooking, heating water and powering other appliances within the home. It’s growing in popularity, as it emits fewer greenhouse gases than some of its alternatives, including wood, coal and oil. That doesn’t… 0 Shares |

4 Great Yoga Poses for Runners

One of the most important things about being a runner is stretching. Avoiding it will only cause you trouble in the long run. It’s also important to do a cooldown when you’re finished with your workout. You should stretch afterwards… 0 Shares |

8 Natural Ways to Enjoy Your Job More

Even though the job market has gotten better, it’s still difficult securing a solid job. As a result, many people are taking jobs they wouldn’t normally take — and they’re dreading work each day. While you shouldn’t stay in a… 0 Shares |

How Pollution is Affecting Our Minds

We’ve all heard countless examples of how manmade pollution is ravaging the Earth’s environment, but what about how it’s affecting our brains? Many studies conducted over the course of the last decade are examining just that, and their findings are… 0 Shares |