Entries by Laura Childs


Laura Childs worked in the communications field (public sector and as freelancer) for over 30 years. In multiple roles, Ms Childs strategically consulted with, and published content for, many environmental and socially-minded clients. In the last 20 years Laura Childs has provided these services from a hobby farm located in the foothills of the Canadian Shield. She currently lives in southern Ontario in a region known as Ontario's Garden. Laura has written books on country living, raising farm animals, gardening and, of late, personal health and weight loss. Her latest work has been co-authoring books with her daughter on the Low Carb High Fat Diet.

Breast Cancer Surgery: Pain Without Potential

No matter how small your world might be, how tight your social circle, you have been touched by the scare of a cancer diagnosis. Even without losing a friend or family member to cancer, there is no escaping the increase… 0 Shares |

FDA Announces Packaged Foods No Longer Safe – No One Listens

It is official. Last week the FDA issued a press release stating that most foods in your local grocery store are no longer on the GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) list. Given that (according to Marketplace news) “…processed foods are,… 0 Shares |

GMOs, Obesity, and World Hunger

While few would argue that fast food restaurant fare is healthy, North Americans are coming to the realization that the local grocery store contains just as many nutritional pitfalls and health perils. True – even for those who steer clear… 0 Shares |