Entries by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers


Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer naturally. To get your FREE 7-Day Mini e-Course and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit her at BreastCancerConqueror.com

Toxic Esters: Do You Know What’s Lurking in Your Perfume?

According to the BBC, an ester is formed when an organic acid substances interacts with alcohol. Sounds benign enough, right? But when it comes to your health, esters can be a “double-edged sword.” They can be transporters of potential healing,… 0 Shares |

 6 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp and Prevent Breast Cancer

There are so many things you can do to lead a cancer-free life. Not surprisingly, many of the actions you can take to prevent dis-eases like breast cancer can also help your mind clear and active as well. Prevent Cancer… 0 Shares |

Progesterone: Friend or Foe?

Some trends within conventional medicine are tragic– and dangerous. A case in point is how traditional medical “wisdom” has deemed the natural hormones in a woman’s body as harmful and even cancer-producing. The fact is your natural hormones are part… 0 Shares |

Methionine Restriction for Cancer: Is It Right for You? 

A ground-breaking UCLA study conducted over forty years ago discovered the “absolute methionine dependency” of many forms of metastatic cancer. According to the researchers back then, breast tissue that was healthy could grow without the amino acid methionine but  breast… 0 Shares |

Studies Confirm: Bee Propolis May Have Anti-Cancer Effects

  Bee propolis is the gummy substances collected by bees from the buds and sap of conifer trees and plants. Propolis was used for centuries by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans as a safe remedy for a variety of maladies.… 0 Shares |

Dive into Healing this Spring

March is National Nutrition Month, so it seems fitting that we should talk a little about how food fits in to your health picture. In fact, what you put in your mouth may affect your body and your mind in… 0 Shares |

Want the Best Organic Produce? Its at the Farmer’s Market

Over 2,000 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” All who strive to eat for health know what this means: Among other things, consume more vegetables, especially green leafies and… 0 Shares |

Is Lymph Node Removal the Safest Choice for Breast Cancer?

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, your oncologist may suggest lymph node removal as part of the course of treatment. Whether to get this procedure done is a personal choice that each woman must make. It is important… 0 Shares |

FDA Approves Clinical Trial for Cancer-Busting Turkey Tail Mushroom

In what may be the most significant health discovery for mycologists and health researchers since the invention of penicillin (which was derived from the fungus Penicillium), research continues to mount as to the amazing healing effects of Turkey Tail mushroom… 0 Shares |

Substances in Cinnamon Affect Breast Cancer Cells

The Egyptians, the Chinese and ancient Europeans used to use the brown bark of the cinnamon tree for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and even food preservation properties. Recent studies have shown how cinnamon can have a direct effect on many… 0 Shares |