Entries by Adam Ferguson


Adam is a writer that is passionate about health and fitness. He regularly posts articles on topics like nutrition, fitness, and natural remedies. You can read more of Adam's articles at http://www.thinkhealthiness.com/

The 5 Best Teas to Help with Weight Loss

As we all know, what you eat and consume on a daily basis plays a large effect on the way our bodies look like, how it feels and how it performs on a daily basis. A lot of us have… 0 Shares |

8 Diuretic Foods that Can Help Reduce Water Retention

A diuretic food is any food that assist with the excretion of water from our bodies. This can help you flush your body, removing toxins in the process. This has a number of beneficial effects, most importantly, reducing blood pressure.… 0 Shares |

4 Reasons not to drink smoothies

Let’s face it, most smoothies are delicious. Some even taste like a delightfully sweet cocktail or even a dessert. Like most things that delight the taste buds, smoothies aren’t always great for your health. Now I know this runs against… 0 Shares |

6 Foods that Naturally improve the Health of your Eyes

One of the most vital and delicate organs in our body is our eyes – it’s a scary prospect to think about losing your vision. Typically, a lot of the natural degenerative processes in relation to the eyes are irreversible.… 0 Shares |