Arnica Montana Homeopathic Remedy for Bruises, Trauma and Shock


Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy used for bruises, inflammation and swelling. Homeopathic Arnica has proven useful in treating concussions, pre and post surgical recovery, inflammation, internal hemorrhages and overuse injuries. Arnica is one of the most widely used and commonly available homeopathic remedies. Made from the Leopard’s Bane plant and sometimes called Mountain Daisy or Mountain Tobacco, Arnica has been used for centuries. Arnica is sold as a cream, gel, salve, tincture, or as pellets to be taken by mouth. Arnica is not intended for use on open wounds.

Arnica Montana Plant

The Arnica Montana plant is a Composite. Its German name is Fallkraut, showing its natural affinity to aid those who have fallen, and therefore bruised themselves. It was used as far back as the 16th century when it was named for Tabernae Montanus. Arnica was also used by Native Americans. The yellow flowers are harvested to make remedies.

Uses for Arnica Montana

Arnica can be taken internally for trauma such as internal hemorrhages. After a fall or blow, Arnica can prevent bruising. If bruising has already occurred, taking Arnica can help reduce the swelling and quicken healing. It is thought that the action of Arnica is to aid blood in being reabsorbed from traumatized tissue. Arnica can also be used to treat symptoms of shock. Feelings of confusion after a fall or injury are an indication for Arnica’s use. Arnica is also useful in sports recovery for treating over used and strained muscles, when too much blood flow has inflamed body parts. Research has also shown Arnica useful in treating arthritis, and for healing after surgery. Taking Arnica before surgery or dental work has been found to prevent swelling and bruising.

Using Arnica as a remedy

Arnica creams and gels can be applied to the skin. They are not to be used on wounds or broken skin. Pellets and pills containing homeopathic doses of Arnica are readily available over the counter in many pharmacies and specialty food stores. A few pellets dissolve under the tongue, taken 15 minutes away from food or drink, is the usual method of taking any homeopathic remedy. Tinctures of Arnica are not to be taken internally. Only the potentized and homeopathically diluted doses of Arnica are intended to be taken by mouth.

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About the author:

Melanie Grimes is a writer, medical editor and health educator. A classically trained homeopath, she has lectured internationally and been on faculty at Bastyr University, American Medical College of Homeopathy, and Seattle School of Homeopathy. An award-winning screenwriter, Melanie has taught creative writing, and authored medical textbooks. You can follow her blog at

To order professional quality vitamins, visit her online vitamin shop at

Melanie Grimes
Melanie Grimes is a writer, medical editor and health educator. A classically trained homeopath, she has lectured internationally and been on faculty at Bastyr University, American Medical College of Homeopathy, and Seattle School of Homeopathy. She has been the editor of SImillimum, Journal of the Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and The American Homeopath, Journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths.

An award-winning screenwriter, Melanie has taught creative writing, and authored medical textbooks.
She writes about health, natural medicine, food as medicine, herbs, homeopathy, and travel. 

You can follow her blog at

To order professional quality vitamins, visit her online vitamin shop at