8 Reasons to Start Using Cast Iron Pan For Cooking Daily


One of the best things you can do for your health is to stop eating out and start cooking at home. There are several reasons that people rave about their cast iron pans and cast iron skillets. It found that the cast-iron cookware released more iron with each cooking cycle. So the longer you use the pot, the more valuable it is, as a supplement. The body needs iron because it is used in the blood. It is what carries oxygen from the lungs via the bloodstream to the rest of the body.

8 Reasons to Use Cast Iron Cookware in Your Kitchen

Boost your iron intake
This is a stretch, but since it’s made out of iron, a little bit of mineral iron does get transferred over during cooking. This vital mineral is crucial for maintaining energy levels, and it helps strengthen immune systems. Even non-acidic and quick cooking foods, like eggs and fried potatoes, averaged a five-fold increase in iron content when cooked in an iron skillet.

Cast iron pans require less oil
You will find that you can cut down on cooking oil once you shift from aluminum or stainless steel pans to cast iron pans. A well-seasoned pan is virtually non-stick, which means you can use less oil in your recipes, cutting down on the fat where desired.

It is nonstick
Surprisingly, a preheated cast iron skillet rivals the qualities of non-stick cookware, as long as it is properly seasoned and cared for. You can quickly move up this short learning curve by talking with employees at your local cookware store or by reading a book or Internet article about cast iron care.

Even Cooking Temperature
This is one of the greatest advantages of cast iron pans. You can heat them up as high as you want without any fear. This works well, whether you’re searing a steak at a high temp, or simmering a stew on low. If you don’t have the most reliable stove, a cast iron pan can help prevent you from accidentally burning dinner.

It’s versatile
You can make hundreds of delicious things in one pan. You can make biscuits and gravy, or french toast. You can brown chicken in it for a salad. You can even fry donuts in it.

It’s Affordable
Because the process of creating cast iron cookware is relatively simple, it tends to be very affordable. Not to mention, it will virtually last forever, unlike non-stick pans that you might have to replace every few years.

If you are extremely health-conscious or at least somewhat concerned about living a healthy lifestyle, then keep in mind that when you use cast-iron skillets, you avoid all of the harmful chemicals and toxins that are prevalent in non-stick pans.

Cast iron doesn’t scratch, so you can use any kind of cooking utensils on it without fear of damaging the pan. Heavy and durable, there’s virtually no way to break or even bend a cast iron skillet out of shape.





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Geary Andrew
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Minor in business and liberal arts. I've written about health for more than a decade. Veteran freelance writer with expertise in health, wellness, parenting and lifestyle issues. I am passionate about educating and empowering people to achieve and maintain optimal health and is committed to providing the highest quality health care.