7 Dieting Mistakes that Slow Your Metabolism


Let’s face it, dieting can be hard enough without having more challenges facing you than you already have when it comes to losing weight. What many dieters do not realize, however, is that some common dieting mistakes can actually slow your metabolism down, making it harder to lose weight than it already is. Below are seven of these mistakes to avoid and to keep your metabolism active and healthy.

You Don’t Eat Enough
Calorie restriction in one form or another is an inevitable part of dieting. However, if you get too strict with yourself and do not eat enough, your body will go into a “starvation mode” and actually slow your metabolism down. For most women, 1,200 calories a day is a biological minimum.

You Cut Out Caffeine
Coffee may have gotten a bad rap in the media in recent years, but it is incredibly effective as a central nervous system stimulant and can raise your metabolism by about 5-9%. This can translate into 98 to 174 calories a day which you will not be burning otherwise.

You’re Eating the Wrong Carbs
A high fiber diet can increase your body’s fat-burning ability by about 30% — but not if you’re getting the wrong carbs. Switching to whole grain products and fruits and vegetables as your source of carbohydrates is a great way to get the fiber you need when you are dieting.

Your Water is Room Temperature
Much has been said about the benefits of drinking water at room temperature, but researchers have found that drinking six cups of cold water a day can increase the calories you burn by about 50 calories a day.

Your Foods are Laced with Pesticides
Unless you are eating organic produce, chances are that chemicals like organochlorides have been left as residues on your fruits and vegetables, and high levels of these in blood stream are linked to people who have difficulty losing weight, likely because they are linked to slow metabolisms.

Your Meals have Insufficient Protein
When you are dieting, make sure that you have protein at every meal, as your body needs this to help build the lean muscles that you want. It also has the advantage of being harder to digest, so it will make you feel fuller longer so you can avoid overeating.

Your Diet Lacks Iron
Your muscles cannot burn fat if your diet lack sufficient iron to carry this process out; it is iron-rich foods that build up red blood cells which deliver the oxygen to the muscles to nourish them. Make sure you are eating foods like meats, seafood, spinach and beans to help your muscles do their job.

These are all common mistakes that, with the best of intentions, many dieters fall into. However, now that you are aware of them, it will make them easier to avoid so that you can follow a diet which will truly help you achieve your weight loss goals and keep your body functioning at its best.

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Samriti has written a number of articles and blog posts for websites and print in the health industry. The majority of this writing was related to cancer information, blood pressure and healthy living.