7 Carbhydrate Sources for Weight Loss


Since the Adkin’s diet phenomenon, people have been a bit spooked when it comes to consuming carbohydrates, unsure about whether or not they are doing the right thing. The fact is, though, that carbohydrates are what your body needs to provide it with energy and it cannot function without them. However, not all carbs were created equal, so choose your carbs wisely if you are serious about losing weight. Seven of the healthiest sources for good carbs are listed below.

Fruits like pears and apples are wonderful for weight loss: they are low on the glycemic index so they do not have a negative effect on the blood sugar and contain a form of fiber called pectin which boosts the metabolism and makes it easier to lose weight.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are rich in a number of important nutrients, including fiber, cancer-fighting antioxidants, and beta-carotene, along with an array of other vitamins and minerals. It will also help keep you feeling fuller for longer, making overeating less likely.

Oats are a healthy carbohydrate and can not only help you lose weight, they can contribute to lower cholesterol levels and a healthy heart. It will raise your energy levels and if eaten in the morning, can give you a great start for the day.

Quinoa is justifiably popular due to the fact that it is fiber-rich, an excellent source of plant-based protein and is high in healthy, complex carbohydrates. It is now available in most regular grocery stores and adds a delicious, nutty flavor to a variety of dishes. What more could you want?

Wild Rice
Wild rice not only is a source of complex carbohydrates, it will also provide your body with protein and a ton of dietary fiber, all of which make it a great dieting aid. It has a nutty, rich flavor and is great in soups, stews and casserole dishes, making it a great thing to have in your pantry when you are a on a diet.

Whole Wheat Flour
Switching from white flour to whole wheat flour will allow you to enjoy healthier versions of muffins, breads, etc., that you probably have sorely missed. Whole wheat flour is loaded with fiber and nutrients that make it a great tool for weight loss.

Studies have shown that eating almonds effects hormones in your body that cause you to feel fuller for longer and act as a natural appetite suppressant. They are also a great protein source and can lower risk of high cholesterol and certain forms of cancer.

Thus, not all carbohydrates are bad. The foods listed above provide you with the healthful complex carbohydrates that you need for boost energy levels, keep your body functioning properly and achieve your weight loss goals in a healthy and gradual way.

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Samriti has written a number of articles and blog posts for websites and print in the health industry. The majority of this writing was related to cancer information, blood pressure and healthy living.