6 Weight Loss Myths Everyone Should Know


OK – so you want to lose weight. You’re thinking this is it. I’ve had it. I’m going to do it this time.

Then, your devil side starts chewing away at you and you become discouraged before you even get started. Well, cheer up! There is good news.

Take a look at these 6 weight loss myths below to get motivated again!

Myth #1: Weight loss is hard, if not impossible.

OK – this isn’t entirely all false – yes, weight loss is hard, but it is NOT impossible. You have to go in with the expectation that you will succeed. If you think you will fail, then expect to fail. If you enter a weight loss program with the idea that it will be difficult, or just pure torture that is probably how it will feel. Change your perception and you will find that weight loss will get a whole lot easier.

Myth #2: Carbs are bad and should be avoided at all costs

Poor carbs. They have been put under this dark cloud when in reality they are our best friends. Carbs are needed for energy. Without them we would definitely have no energy at all the entire day. Let’s just say you want to avoid the bad carbs, which are sugary drinks, starchy foods and fatty breads. These foods are certainly not good for your health and they tend to result in fast weight gain. You want to rely on the good carbs, which are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  These will keep you energized through the day and keep your insides in check thanks to the high-fiber content.

Myth #3: My parents were overweight so there is absolutely no hope for me

It is true that many people are genetically predisposed to weight gain and obesity. But don’t let your genes control your destiny. While it is very true that some people have a much easier time losing weight than others, this does not mean that weight loss is not possible. Weight loss can be challenging no matter what your genetic predisposition is, so never think your genes will determine your success.

Myth # 4: A Low Fat Diet Is All You Need

Umm no. Just because it says low-fat doesn’t mean all the other ingredients are all healthy. You can lose weight with a low fat diet, but sometimes it can backfire and you end up overeating because now you feel since it’s low fat you can have twice as much. A low fat diet is a good start, but still keep it in moderation. Don’t think cutting out all fats is the answer either. Our bodies need fats to stay healthy, especially essentially fatty acids that are found in fish and nuts.

Myth #5: I won’t be able to eat anything!

You don’t have to starve yourself. All it comes down to is portion control and exercise. And let’s be realistic. Can you starve yourself and still get the necessary nutrients you need for everyday system function? How long do you think that would really last before throwing open the refrigerator and eating everything in sight? Don’t follow any strict diet plans either. Strict diets often lead to feelings of frustration. Feeling constantly hungry and tempted is a sure way you will not follow through with your weight loss plan. Be flexible with your eating choices. Eat everything you want—in moderation (there’s that word again!).

Myth #6: Some people just can’t lose weight

So you say that you eat well and exercise, and you still can’t lose weight? This is true for many people, but chances are there is still an underlying problem somewhere that you just are unable to see. Perhaps you’re doing the wrong kind of exercises, you’re not exercising for the right amount of time, you’re still eating way too many calories, or you’re not eating enough (which will cause your body to think it’s starving and hold on to the weight instead). Keep a food diary and an exercise journal to figure out where you can improve.

Serena Smith-Williams
Serena Smith-Williams is a wife, mother, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, licensed massaged therapist, entrepreneur, and believer of natural beauty and non-toxic living. She is the owner of Personal Lifestyle Wellness where she teaches women and moms how to live a healthy life for themselves and their families using a simple holistic approach. She shares simple ways of living as well as stories of her own health journey on her blog: Simple Holistic Girl.