5 Green smoothies That Literally Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 1 Week


347 million people worldwide have diabetes. In the UK almost 5% of the population has diabetes and in the US almost 10% of the population has diabetes. Surely lowering blood sugar in diabetics is an effective strategy for reducing the risk of death and heart disease. It would seem obvious that if diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar, then reducing blood sugar would be beneficial.

However elevated sugar is only a symptom, not the cause of the problem. The real problems are cellular inflammation and elevated insulin unchecked over decades from a highly refined carbohydrate diet, a sedentary lifestyle and environmental toxins.

Fresh, whole fruits, as well as blended green smoothies not only provide a healthy way for diabetics to get more fruits and vegetables in their diet, green smoothies also may help reverse some of the diet and lifestyle problems that exacerbate diabetes, or contributes to its progression.

5 Green smoothies For Type 2 Diabetes

1.Watercress, Tomatoes and Parsley Juice

6 sprigs watercress
1 handful of parsley
2 tomatoes
2 apples

Cut the apples into wedges and remove both the core and the seed.
Place all ingredients into a juicer and blend well.(1)

2.Brussel Sprouts and String Bean Juice

10-12 Brussels sprouts
2 cup string beans
1 cucumber (optional)
1 peeled lemon

Juice the Brussels sprouts, then, the string beans, then the lemon.
When completely blended, stir.(2)

3. Kale,spinach,hemp seed

2 ounces of spinach
2 ounces of kale
1 ounce of hemp seeds
136 grams of banana (1 large)
a tiny bit of Stevia if I wish to have it sweeter.
1.5-2 cups of water

I blend it in NutriBullet until it becomes deliciously smooth and thick.
Makes the full Bullet, about 24 ounces and 300 calories.(3)

4.Pineapple-Strawberry Green Smoothie

1 and 1/2 cups kale
1/2 cup parsley
2 cups fresh pineapple
1 cups whole strawberries
1 medium banana, peeled
1 Tbsp Hemp seeds

I blend it in NutriBullet until it becomes deliciously smooth and thick.(4)


1 apple
1 banana
1 carrot
1 celery stick (complete)
1 sweet potato
1 lemon with skin
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1 cup of fresh water.

I blend it in NutriBullet until it becomes deliciously smooth and thick.
Makes the full Bullet, about 24 ounces and 300 calories.(5)


More Read:

8 Foods That Heal The Pancreas System And Produce Digestive Enzymes

Ideal Liver Fuel: 10 Foods That Remove Body Toxin and Cleanse Your Liver Naturally

jeery park
She is wife, mother and natural health advocate. After a number of close relatives got cancer, she left the corporate world to pursue their passion for health and wellness awareness. She brings a wealth of writing talent and a background in natural health. She enjoy reading and writing about all things related to exercise, nutrition, and healthy living.