3 Ways Turmeric Can Make You Sick


What You Don’t Know about Turmeric Can Hurt You


C urcuma longa, or better known as Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a natural health aid, treatment for a large variety of ailments and as a food flavoring. For the last few years, this root has been making headlines due to its incredible heath and healing properties. Curcumin has been proven to be a very potent antioxidant in hundreds of studies.

“Antioxidants attack molecules in the body known as “Free Radicals”, which can harm or kill healthy cells and possibly damage DNA.”

Increasing the amount of Antioxidants we ingest through food or supplements is known to reduce the risk of developing serous health conditions.


Turmeric Health Warning

Although, most individuals in good health don’t have to worry about any adverse effects, some may need to consider the possible risk involved when adding Turmeric to their diet. Thats right, Turmeric is not totally safe. This is especially the case when using extracts or large amounts are consumed.

It can complicate some health conditions, should be avoided when pregnant and has negative interactions with a handful of medications. Lets get into the most common problems involving turmeric, please see sources on bottom for further information and studies.


Kidney Stones:

Ten percent of men and about seven percent of women across the U.S will develop kidney stones at least once in their lifetime. This painful condition occurs when the body produces more Calcium, usually in the form of calcium oxalate, than it can excrete.  A study conducted at “The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY , has discovered Turmeric can increase the risk of developing Kidney stones. This can be valuable information for any one suffering from re-occurring stones.


Consuming Curcumin can stimulate bile production in the gallbladder, which in most cases can be a good thing. Increased bile production can improve digestion and reduce bloat. But over stimulating along with Turmerics increased levels of oxalate may result in gallstones. Its important to understand the possible signs and symptoms of Gallbladder disease. If your at risk of gallstones, avoid Turmeric and consult with your physician.


Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties as well as its ability to lower and maintain blood sugar levels. As a matter a fact Turmeric is so effective in controlling blood sugar that its being studied to treat and possibly reverse diabetes, but here is a word of caution. Turmeric extract or doses of turmeric exceeding 8mg may result in hypoglycemia. A condition thats results from low levels or rapid drop in blood sugar resulting in confusion, memory loss, seizures and possibly unconsciousness.


In Conclusion

Nature really does provide all you need. Eating properly can keep you healthy, extend and improve quality of life. Including healthy herbs, spices and greens is a great way to stay in good health. The problem is when these natural medicines are synthesized or turned into extracts. In its natural form, Turmeric is healthy, safe and makes food taste great. But once extracted of condensed its no longer the same. All the studies were conducted with extracts and higher than normal doses. Mother nature provides the best packaging, don’t mess with perfection.



Gallbladder Disease and Turmeric – UMM.edu

Turmeric Increases Chances of Kidney Stones – Nutrition.org

Turmeric Precautions – UMM.edu

Renne Crespo
Renee Cresspo is a Professional Fitness Trainer with a degree in Nutrition and Sports Medicine. Renne has written articles for numerous publications and currently author of ButtBuildr.com , a site dedicated to helping woman develop a healthy physique through proper diet and exercise.