3 Reasons Why You Should Try Juicing Fast Now!


Juice fast is one of the most interesting and delicious solutions to achieve weight loss results in a healthy way. The basic idea is to eliminate nearly all other foods from your diet, except for fresh-squeezed juices that deliver a high-powered cocktail of vitamins and minerals without extra carbohydrates.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

The key to a successful juicing fast is to choose the right ingredients for the juice and to stick to them throughout your fast. Weight loss results can become evident in as little time as week. Juicing removes fiber from the fruits and allows your body to achieve maximum absorption of the all-important vitamins and minerals while reducing your caloric intake, leading to healthy weight loss.

How Important Is Your Juicer?

The juicing fast relies on having a high quality juicing machine. Blenders can offer fresh fruit juice that removes some of the pulp and other fibers from your fruits and vegetables, but better results will be achieved with greater extraction. Higher quality juicers will offer the best results.

3 Reasons Why The Juice Fast Works

1 –  High Vitamin Content – Freshly squeezed juices contain multiple servings of vitamins and minerals, much more than you would get from eating whole fruits and vegetables.

2 –  Reduced Fiber – While fiber is generally healthy for the human body, at the level of intake that a juice fast entails, the fibrous pulp of the fruits and vegetables would prevent the absorption of the vitamins and minerals necessary to achieve results.

3 – No Carbohydrates or Fat – Anyone who has researched weight loss methods similar to the juice fast knows that your body craves carbohydrates and fats for long-lasting energy.
Weight problems occur when the body holds onto those ingredients and keeps them stored as body fat instead of using them to produce energy.

How To Make Your Juice Fast Healthy

When you begin your juice fast, there are a few aspects that need to be considered:

Protein Content – While juicing is an effective way to lose weight, thanks to the elimination of fibers and carbohydrates from your diet, you still need protein in order to prevent muscle deterioration. The best way to balance this temporary diet while still achieving results is to add yogurt, whey powder or quinoa to your fruit juices in order to give your body just enough substance to help you feel full.

Moderation – In general, the more extreme your fast is, the less likely to last your results are. If you opt for an extreme fast and you throw your body out of balance in the process, you may indeed lose weight, but, as soon as the fast is over, your body will want to pack on the pounds again.

With all of these benefits clearly available to you, all that you need to do is step up to the plate and begin your juice fast today!
Weight loss results can begin to be noticeable in as little as one week!



Susan Williams researches and writes articles, short reports and e-courses on health and nutrition.

Currently, she is offering a free e-course about Fast Juicing on her blog: Juicing-Health.com

Susan Y. Williams