11 Air Purifying House Plants That Are Almost Impossible to Kill


Now a days air purifying plants have gained special importance in lives of people; reason being, they are the best and cheapest way to keep the indoor atmosphere and ambience as healthy and environment friendly as possible.

However, there are multiple ways to purify air by using various humidifiers or air purifying tact but the most effective, convenient and economical way-out resides in plants. Hence, people are particularly conscious about having plants indoor after having considered their importance in enlightening one’s mood and as well as in purifying the air in which the residents breathe.

You would feel the difference yourself in your indoor environment after having these 11 plants placed in your home

Aloe Vera

Not only is the aloe plant readily available to soothe sunburns, stings, or cuts, it can also detoxify the body and is great for purifying the air. Aloe can help clear the air of pollutants found in chemical cleaning products. An intriguing aspect, when the amount of harmful chemicals in the air become excessive, the plant’s leaves will display brown spots.

Lady Palm

It is another very effective air purifying plant which contributes significantly towards purging the indoor air. Apart from that, it is also very easy to manage plant just like areca palm as it is also pest resistant and grows slowly so you would not be having complaints about it occupying more of your indoor space. Further, this plant can survive easily in a semi sun temperature during summers while in winters the room temperature should not be less than 50 degrees

English Ivy

According to NASA, English Ivy is the number one houseplant to grow indoors due to its incredible air filtering abilities. It is the most effective plant when it comes to absorbing formaldehyde, and is even easy to grow. An adaptable plant, it can be hung and perched on the floor and prefers moderate temperatures and medium sunlight.

Rubber Plant

It is famous for the shape and appearance of its leaves. It is one such plant which can survive into low sun environments as well. However, it requires a bit of light to grow and prosper in right directions. This plant is also renowned in removing ubiquitous chemicals from the air. Apart from that, one thing that you should bear in mind is about the height of this plan as it has the ability to grow up to 8 feet which is greater than the bamboo plant.

Snake plant

A wonderful corner plant, the snake plant can thrive without much light or water. It’s also efficient at absorbing carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night (while most plants do during the day), therefore one in the bedroom may help you in experience better sleep.

Bamboo Palm

It is said to be more effective than the above mentioned two plants but it occupies more space and it has the ability to grow up to 6 feet. It is more pest resistant than Areca Palm and is also more effective in removing airborne carbons from the air which pollutes it the most. Hence, they contribute substantially towards purifying air in this way.

Peace Lily

This beautiful flower is a wonderful low-maintenance plant to keep in the home. Peace lilies do well in shade and cooler temperatures, and they can reduce the levels of a number of toxins in the air.

Golden Pothos

The pothos is a simple yet beautiful, It grows best in cool temperatures and in low levels of sunlight. Able to clear formaldehyde from the air, it’s a beneficial plant to have in your living room or as a hanging plant, as the leaves will grow down in cascading vines.


There are more than 40 different kinds of Dracaena plants, making it easy to find one that’s a perfect fit for your home or office. They’re common foliage plants with long, wide leaves that are often variegated with lines of white, cream, or red. Pet owners might want to select a different plant, however, as these are toxic to cats and dogs.

Boston Fern

These plants prefer to clean the air from a cool location with high humidity and indirect light. They’re relatively easy to grow, but they do need to stay moist. Check the Boston Fern’s soil daily to see if it needs water, and give it a good soak once per month.

Garden Mum

In the NASA research, this plant was an air-purifying champion, removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from indoor air. Popular and inexpensive at garden stores, they can be planted outside after they’re finished blooming.

Reference and sources:


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Alijuina Herw
Alijuina Herw is a passionate, tea-loving, nutritionist, herbalist , who believes in the healing power of nature. She help people find out what their goals are, then coach them to use their own resources to improve their health and happiness. She like to see her as a very holistic nutritionist, herbalist that you can trust for the best advice and service for your health.