What is the point of me?


Everyone at some point in his lifetime begins to wonder about his purpose.  But for many people, this simple question that can guide someone on his path has become more of an obsession or need to know, especially if they are currently feeling unworthy or insignificant, or if they look at their lives and see only the small impact they have thus far made.  Not knowing your purpose or direction can feel very depressing.  Many people today are struggling with such thoughts and emotions, wanting to know why they are even here.  So why are you here?

You are here to experience.

First and foremost, you are here to have fun and to discover what it feels like to succeed, fail, harm, be harmed, love, fear, hate, struggle, etc.  You are here to discover the human experience, along with the benefits and drawbacks of free will and strong emotion.

You are here to create.

You are unlimited in your creative possibilities.  You are here to tap into your creative power and discover yourself at depths unimaginable to the normal human perception.

You are here to know relationship.

It is through relationship that we learn the most.  We learn to serve and to be served.  We discover the best and the worst within ourselves.  Use relationship to help you to comprehend love and to discover your worst of faults in order to better yourself.

You are here to grow.

You are here to learn from your experiences and to grow as a soul.  Learn what works and what doesn’t.  As you grow, you let go of things that once seemed important, and you find your way back to your true self.  Once you have grown tired of playing around within the human experience, whether it be in this lifetime or perhaps the next, then your purpose is to find your way back to total peace by letting go of everything you are still holding onto in this world.  You simply allow and forgive it all.

Although our purposes in life are generally very simple, if ever there was a time for a larger purpose, it is now.  A shift in consciousness is taking place, and individual words and actions are uniting us together for the ultimate goal of helping each other to recognize that the way of being we have come to know on this planet is no longer desired.  Once you are finished playing the game, your primary purpose is to grow yourself into a place of peace.  This alone will do the world a tremendous service, as your positive energy vibration will be felt strongly by others and will influence their energy to match yours.  Your secondary purpose is to play your individual role in the grand awakening that is taking place…to help others grow, as they have helped you.

We are united energetically.  You may feel alone right now, but you are an extremely important piece of the puzzle.  And although it may be very challenging to see a blank future, keep in mind that you are a creator by nature, and your future is created with desire and intent.  If this comes from the core of your being, then you are in the right place.  You do not need to know your specific role at this time.  Knowing the future would spoil the game, so we are not privy to such information.  Simply grow yourself and see what transpires.  Also, listen for the voice within…whether it be in words, inspiration, curiosity, desire, or creation.  Trust the direction of the higher being within you, and your perfect path will gradually unfold.  And if you take a wrong turn?  Don’t worry.  You will keep hitting the same brick wall, or perhaps a different one, until you find yourself in the right direction.  When in doubt, stick to working on yourself until your obvious path appears.  And if you find yourself failing miserably?  So what?  So you experienced and learned a little more.  Good for you!  You cannot do wrong in this game.  You can get further from your self or closer, but ultimately, you will know your true self again.  The only harm in putting off your growth is that you take a little more time to know suffering before you remember and experience the ultimate love.


About the author

Vicki Luibrand is a hypnotherapist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and has a Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Arts.  She guides people to heal themselves both physically and mentally by finding and releasing buried emotions and external attachments within the subconscious mind.  For more information, go to www.believeinhealth.biz.

Vicki Luibrand
Vicki Luibrand is a hypnotherapist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and has a Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Arts. She guides people to heal themselves both physically and mentally by finding and releasing buried emotions in the subconscious mind. For more information, go to www.believeinhealth.biz.