Top 7 reasons why you should switch to natural beauty products


The switch to natural beauty products can be a tremendous leap for some women, who worry that “going natural” will mean that what they are using will not be up to the expected standard. However, most women who have made this transition swear they will never go back after they get used to pampering their hair and skin with these wholesome products and move away from the harsh and harmful ingredients lurking in many commercial beauty aids. Here are seven reasons why you should make the leap and switch to natural beauty products.

Pamper Your Sensitive Skin
If you have sensitive skin, the harsh additives in many commercial products can sometimes make this problem worse by causing dryness, irritation and allergic reactions. Most women find that once they start using natural products, their skin becomes soft and moisturized without the unwanted side effects.

Avoid Absorption of Unwanted Ingredients
Many women – even those who are careful about what they eat – do not realize how much absorption takes place through the skin. If commercial products are used, you could be absorbing harmful chemicals every time you remove your makeup or give yourself a facial. Natural products allow you to be healthy inside and out.

Reduce Acne
Commercial anti-acne products can contain ingredients such as mineral oil that actually make the problem worse due to their tendency to clog pores with dirt, oil and other debris. This clogging of course leads to yet more breakouts. Natural products can help keep the skin clear and prevent acne from happening in the first place.

Spare Your Wallet
Many all-natural beauty product brands are actually comparable in price to their “unnatural” counterparts and some are even cheaper. This might be in part because consumer demand has lead them to be more accessible than in the past: whereas before, many had to be purchased from health food stores or specialty shops, not such products are available in mainstream retailers.

If you are really serious about knowing what goes into your beauty products – make them yourself! There are dozens of web sites that offer DIY recipes for luxurious, in-home beauty treatments, often with ingredients you might already have around the house like avocadoes, yogurt, oatmeal or olive oil.

Know Your Ingredients
Take a look at the label before you buy a shampoo or soap just like you would before buying food. Can you understand the label? Are the products really all natural? What do they do? In general, it is best to go with products that have a few ingredients that you can read and understand without a degree in chemistry!

One of the best things about a lot of these natural beauty products is that they tend to last a long time. This will save you money, save room in a landfill since you won’t have to throw out so many bottles and tubes and will give you more consistency with your beauty regimen as well as more time to enjoy the natural products you have come to love.

So go ahead, make the leap. Once you have luxuriated with fresh, natural products which feel great while really benefiting your hair, skin and nails, you will definitely not want to go back!

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Rosalina is a topic that Tracy particularly enjoys covering. Rosalina loves studying the latest trends in cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. Rosalina writes on all aspects of beauty - hair and skin care, makeup, tips and tricks and product reviews.