Tested And You can do it! Juices That Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally


Does your current drugs treatments for diabetes actually work to prevent heart attacks and death?

Surely lowering blood sugar in diabetics is an effective strategy for reducing the risk of death and heart disease. It would seem obvious that if diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar, then reducing blood sugar would be beneficial.

However elevated sugar is only a symptom, not the cause of the problem. The real problems are cellular inflammation and elevated insulin unchecked over decades from a highly refined carbohydrate diet, a sedentary lifestyle and environmental toxins.

Most medications and insulin therapy are aimed at lowering blood sugar through increasing insulin. This leads to more heart attacks, more diabetes and more patient deaths. Yet we continue to pay $174 billion annually for this type of care for diabetes, despite evidence that lifestyle works better than medications. We also pay for cardiac bypass and angioplasty in diabetics when evidence shows no reduction in death or heart attacks compared to medication.

Diabetes has grown to “epidemic” proportions and the latest statistics revealed by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) state that 25.8 million Americans have diabetes. Also, research from the ADA shows that 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes, which is 25% of the US population!

The cost of diabetes to our nation is a staggering $245 billion dollars a year as of 2012. That’s $176 billion in direct medical costs and another $69 billion loss in productivity.

These Following recipes will help to reverse your Type 2 diabetes

Brussel Sprouts and String Bean Juice

10-12 Brussels sprouts
2 cup string beans
1 cucumber (optional)
1 peeled lemon

Juice the Brussels sprouts, then, the string beans, then the lemon.
When completely blended, stir.

Note: The Brussels sprouts and the beans supply you with key minerals and energy through the creation of vitamin B6 and are a great source of insulin.

Spinach, Celery and Parsley Juice

2 Handfuls of spinach
1 stalk celery
1 Handful of parsley
3 carrots
1/2 green apple

Juice 2 carrots first, then, the spinach, parsley, the celery, and the last 2 carrots.

Note: The potassium, sodium, and other minerals will help you manage your blood glucose naturally and will also help to lower your blood pressure.

Health Tip: Instead of taking a drug such as a diuretic (i.e. water pill) to lower your high blood pressure, try a vegetable that acts as a natural diuretic, i.e. asparagus, cucumber, parsley, lemon juice.

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