Self-love and acceptance trumps diet for lasting change


“When you call yourself fat, you should be offended.”

If you find yourself, like millions of others, in a place in life where you desperately want to lose weight, you have tried a dozen (or a hundred) diets, you have tried lifestyle changes, you have tried “everything,: but feel like you have failed – take heart. There is another way to approach this that you may find beneficial, and successful.

Inspirational speaker and author Esther Hicks has been helping people find peace with themselves for decades, with her (late) husband Jerry Hicks, and with the guidance of an inspirational source she refers to as Abraham.

If you have trouble with that concept, that is understandable, and fine – the advice and lessons that Hicks has given thousands of people stands on its own, and is especially helpful for those of us seeking fulfillment, peace and joy in our lives!

What does this have to do with diet? Everything, come to find out! If you are in a battle with the scale – a battle with yourself, really – then you might very well benefit from Hicks’ ideas on this topic.

In a video featuring Hicks’ conducting a workshop, she addresses the concerns, anguish and heartaches of those in a continual struggle to reach a desired weight.

Lose weight by loving yourself

Hicks’ (or Abraham’s) contention is simply this: if you wish to make changes in your body, you need to start from a place of unconditional self-love and self-acceptance.

“The thing that makes it feel hard to you is that you think you’ve got to lose the weight before you can feel soothed,” Hicks explains. “And we want you to understand that you’ve got to love yourself as you are before you can come into full ownership of the image that you have fashioned.”

So how can this be accomplished?

Hicks explains that the easy way to do this, is by letting go of the struggle. Drop the struggle completely.

Tell yourself things like:

  • I’ve been up and down and all around, and it hasn’t been working, and I’m going to take another approach to it.
  • I’ve got to find a way of separating my action journey, which is where I am right now, from my emotional journey.

Hicks goes on to explain:

“What IS (i.e. your current weight or size) is not going change right now this red hot minute, but you can be 200 lbs. more than you want – and you can feel fearful, or you can feel hopeful. And the difference between fearful and hopeful is the difference between moving in the direction of what you want.

So, we’re wanting you to understand that your work is not an action, it’s not a diet, it’s not an understanding of food, it’s not a changing of metabolism, it’s not an increase of activity, and it’s not a burning of calories.

It isn’t any of those things that have been documented as things that can be helpful.”

Hicks then addresses the facts about the effects of food, diet, and exercise when it comes to weight-loss or body change goals:

“While food and exercise and diet can affect you – you know that because you’ve tried it all – until you get to the vibrational heart of something, you have not found the cause.

You’ve offered a cure to a situation, but you haven’t got to anything that is lasting.

And the way you begin to travel toward that which is lasting is by making peace with who you are in terms of your body.”

When Hicks refers to the vibrational heart of something, she is referring to the idea that we are all vibrational beings. And your emotions are a direct reflection and indicator of your vibration. You want to get into a feeling-good place vibrationally in order to make progress and changes – not just for weight loss goals, but any goals.

So if you find yourself in an emotional place of frustration over your efforts at making changes to your body, a very good place to start is to stop punishing yourself, and to love yourself completely and unconditionally. Once you can do that, you will find that the changes you desire will come about naturally as a result of your making peace with yourself, and loving yourself exactly where you are right now.

A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. (