Pumpkin seeds combined with fruit is as effective as prescription sleep aids!


Nearly 9 million American’s take a prescription sleep aid to prevent tossing and turning at night.  Lack of sleep over an extended period of time affects our mental health, cognitive abilities and even our physical health.  For many of these 9 million people, stopping a sleep aid leads to anxiety about the quality and duration of sleep they would receive and how these would impact their daily lives. (1)

Nearly 9 million American’s take prescription sleep aids!

If you desire to get off sleep aids and enjoy a quality night sleep, consider eating more pumpkin seeds and fruit!

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of tryptophan, with a 100 gram serving containing 578 mg of tryptophan. (2)  Tryptophan is an amino acid that is necessary for the formation of melatonin and serotonin.  (3)

Tryptophan in the form of gourd seed is comparable to pharmaceutical grade tryptophan that is used to treat insomnia!

During winter months, many people struggle with seasonal affective disorder.  Eating foods high in tryptophan will increase the neurotransmitters needed to feel happier and sleep better.

A study published in Nutritional Neuroscience recommends consuming tryptophan in the form of a gourd seed is comparable to pharmaceutical grade tryptophan that is used for treating insomnia.  Having a few pumpkin seeds before bed with a piece of fruit may provide your body with the tryptophan that is needed to produce melatonin. (4)

Tryptophan combined with a carbohydrate allows tryptophan to rapidly cross between circulating blood and brain cells!

This study showed that participants were able to cope better with stress after consuming the tryptophan found in pumpkin seeds.  Participants also reported higher levels of mental well-being.  Combining a carbohydrate with tryptophan allows the tryptophan to rapidly cross between circulating blood and brain cells.  (3)

Participants in the study found that longer durations of sleep and better mental states also resulted in more enjoyable sex. (3)

Based on the content of the study, the author created a product based on pumpkin seed extract.  Zenbev is a powder that is lemon flavored and can be made into a cold or hot drink. (3)

Sources included:

(1) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cdc-nearly-9-millon-americans-use-prescription-sleep-aids/


(3) http://www.gmhcn.org/files/Wellness/PumpkinsTryptophanHelpswithSleepSexandMentalWellness.html

(4) http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/303864.php

Lynn Griffith
Lynn is a licensed therapist who enjoys cooking, creativity and enjoys helping other's learn how to care for their minds and bodies through healthy eating.  Lynn has wrote for The Raw Food World News and is currently in the process of building her own website focused on managing mental health through nutrition and wellness.