A Powerful Drink to Flush Your Liver With Olive Oil & Lemon Juice


Our health suffers from the toxins, the air is toxic, the food and water are toxic. Mary Vance, holistic nutritionist and author of Three Weeks to Vitality says,

“Toxic overload creates an acidic internal environment and has been impli­cated in a number of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic fatigue, allergies, skin conditions, asthma, mental illness, hyper­tension, gastritis, kidney disease and obesity. Studies are beginning to reveal that toxic overload contributes to more serious conditions such as autoimmune diseases, inflammatory/rheumatoid arthritis, and neuro­logical disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.”

All these toxins are making the liver overworked and stressed, the common 20 signs that you have a stressed liver are:

1. Lack of energy
2. Headaches or Migraines
3. Muscle pain
4. Brain fog
5. Digestive problems
6. Insomnia
7. Imbalanced hormone
8. Autoimmune diseases
9. Skin infections such as acne
13.Bad breath
15.Chemical sensitivities
17.Slow wound healing
18.High blood pressure
19.Gall bladder issues

If you are suffering from these problems, then you DO need a detox for your liver. There are many natural ways and home remedies you can use, this is a strong-recommended drink you should try, which can work to heal, protect and cleanse your liver effectively.

All you need are two ingredients: lemon and olive oil! No matter used separately for together, these two ingredients are both powerful to give your liver a detox, and with several other benefits for the overall wellness.

How to Create A Powerful Detox Drink For Your Liver With Lemon and Olive Oil


-Half of lemon(make juice)
-2 Tablespoons cold-pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Mix the lemon juice and olive oil in a cup and drink it. Consume it daily to detox your liver.

Properties and Effects of Lemon Juice on the Liver

Lemon contains high amounts of vitamin C, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body, which is considered as “the mother of all antioxidants”. Vitamin C protects the cells from bacteria, viruses and toxins as well.

Lemon aids in digestion and thus cleaning the liver too. As if the food can not be digested well, some of them may find their way into the bloodstream and then to the liver, this will make the liver stressed. Lemon aids in digestion by ensuring all of the foods get digested well.

According to a 2002 study  published in the European Journal of Nutrition, lemons could be beneficial in lowering blood and liver cholesterol levels. The study also suggested that lemon peel consumption could be beneficial to those with fatty liver disease.

Olive Oil Cleanse

Olive oil lubricates the internal system and thus aiding in easy motions further regulates our bowel movement.

Take olive oil regularly helps to flush out the harmful toxins in your body and cleanse your liver too.

A 2010 study  found that olive oil does as a strong detoxifying agent for a damaged liver and provides protection against toxins that damage to the liver.

Choose extra virgin olive oil, which has strong antioxidant properties as well as many other medicinal uses.

Additional Sources: primallyinspired.com, mydetoxfood.com

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Liu Jiao
I have written articles on various physical and mental health related conditions, including diabetes/ heart disease/ autism/depression/Nutrition/fitness/diets/fad diets/herbs/alternative therapies/weight loss/obesity in children and adults/smoking risks/alcohol risks/fast foods/disease....

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