What to eat and what to give a miss to beat breast cancer


Those who have breast cancer in family history are at risk of the disease itself because of its genetic link. So, Mary Flynn, R.D., one of the authors of “The Pink Ribbon Diet” (Da Capo, 2010) suggests that certain foods that increase the risk of breast cancer should be avoided and the intake of foods that fight it should be increased.

To eat: Cruciferous vegetables

Why: These veggies contain-

  • Phylonutrients that stop the metastasis of cancer cells and spread of cancer
  • Phylonutrients that changes estrogen metabolism and converts it into a form that doesn’t cause breast cancer

How: Eat lots of cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, broccoli rabe and kale.

To Eat: Fatty Fish

Why: In a study, it was found that women who took fish oil substitutes had 32 percent less risk of developing breast cancer after 6 years of use compared to those who didn’t. Fatty fish contains-

  • Omega 3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body (chronic inflammation can lead to breast cancer).

How: Eat at least two 3.5 ounce servings of fatty fish (for instance, tuna, mackerel and salmon) every week. If it is absolutely impossible, you can take fish oil supplements.

To Eat: Dark Leafy Vegetables

Why: These contain-

  • Folate, which is a vitamin B that fortifies your DNA. As DNA mutation is responsible for cancer, folate is very important in fighting any kind of cancer.

How: Add dark leaved spinach and kale to your diet.

To Eat: Tomatoes

Why: Tomatoes contain-

  • Lycopene, which is a strong antioxidant that protects against breast cancer and stops cancer cell growth.

How: Lycopene is absorbed best by the body when tomatoes are processed, concentrated or cooked. So pastes, sauces and canned tomatoes are best.

To Eat: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Why: It contains-

  • Antioxidants that reduce free radical production in the body
  • Phylonutrients like squalene that hinders tumor growth
  • Higher monounsaturated fat that does not oxidize in the body

How: Substitute vegetable oil with this oil to make your food tastier. It is higher in calories, but two tablespoons a day is the ideal amount. Toss your vegetables in extra virgin olive to give them better taste which will encourage you to eat more greens.

Not to Eat: Sweets

Why: Sweets increases the risk of cancer in women by 27 percent, according to the Cancer Causes and Control journal. Sweets increase the level of blood glucose, forcing the production of more insulin. Insulin:

  • Increases risk of cancer
  • Elevates level of estrogen that promotes development of breast cancer

How: Keep your sweet tooth in check and don’t indulge in sweets on a regular basis.

Not to Eat: Grapefruit

Why: Grapefruit elevates levels of estrogen, which increases the risk of breast cancer. Studies show that women who had a quarter of a grapefruit a day had 30 percent higher risk of getting breast cancer.

How: Switch to other citrus fruits like orange.

Not to Eat: Vegetable Oil

Why: Vegetable oils contain-

  • Polyunsaturated fats that oxidize in the body releasing free radicals which are responsible for breast cancer.

How: Substitute vegetable oil with canola or extra virgin olive oil. Remove margarine, mayonnaise, peanut butter and all foods that contain vegetable oil from your diet.

Not to Eat: Processed Meat

Why: Processed meat like bacon, hot dogs, bacon and ham contain certain preservatives. These preservatives are made of compounds that can easily convert into cancer causing compounds inside the body.

How: Except for the very occasional treat, cut off all the processed meat from the diet.

Not to Eat: Red Meat

Why: There are two reasons-

  • When red meat is grilled, heterocyclic amines are created which increase cancer risk.
  • It also contains amino acids that produce insulin and increase oxidation in the body that lead to cancer.

How: Limit your red meat consumption to six ounces a month.

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Liu Jiao
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