Baking Soda and Lemon – Powerful Healing Combination for Cancer


Cancer is of great concern for those who are interested in living a healthy life, and with good reason: cancer remains the seventh leading cause of the death in the United States and this is also a widespread problem for other countries around the world. And despite many advances in medical technology, traditional treatment options remain a problem, both because of their effectiveness and because of serious and unwanted side effects. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that natural treatments might be viable option for cancer, including baking soda and lemon juice especially when taken in combination with one another.

What Alkalinity is Important

The anti-cancer properties of both lemon juice and baking soda largely lie in the alkalizing effect they have upon the body. Many tests have shown that anaerobic (oxygen-free) environments with a low pH actually foster the growth of cancer cells. This was known as early as the 1930’s, and for his work in describing the relationship between cancer development and acidity, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize. More recent studies, such as the ones discussed below, appear to confirm these preliminary tests.

One study, later published in Cancer Research, found that baking soda (whose chemical name is sodium bicarbonate) had the ability to alkalize the tissues immediately surrounding a cancerous tumor. This is incredibly important, as it can help to prevent the growth of the tumor and also its ability to spread to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. More research into the anti-carcinogenic effects of baking soda is currently underway at the University of Arizona Cancer Center. (source)

Lemon juice, also, has proven itself useful in regards to cancer treatment. In spite of the fact that this juice is highly acidic, its high mineral content translates into an alkalizing effect upon the body as well. In addition to this, lemon juice is rich in limonoides, plant-based, active compounds which have been shown in several studies to have anti-carcinogenic properties. It is also rich in Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and already in use for alternative cancer treatments. (source)

Using Lemon Juice and Baking Soda Together

The combination of lemon juice and baking soda, then, is a powerful and safe way to introduce alkaline substances into the body and raise the body’s overall pH to help fight cancer development. The best way to utilize both the juice and baking soda is to drink a glass of water with half of a lemon and half of a teaspoon of juice. It is recommended that this be drunk in the morning or between meals, as the treatment is more effective when taken on an empty stomach.

In conclusion, investigating natural treatments such as this for cancer is well worth someone’s while, as traditional medicine simply has proven itself unable to cope with this disease effectively: radiation and chemotherapy come with a whole array of undesirable side effects and surgery is not always effective. Natural alternatives like this baking soda and lemon juice, on the other hand, at least give patients a viable and natural option for fighting this disease.


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Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.