5 Ways to Improve Your Driving Record to Lower Car Insurance Rate


Insurance companies use a variety of statistics to determine the premiums you pay for auto insurance. From age and gender to the type of vehicle that you drive, the factors involved can be dizzying at times. However, few stats are as important as your driving record. The history of how you have driven your vehicle is vital to determining the rates you pay. At least 80% or more drivers have some fault on their driving record.

That’s why a poor driving record can have such an adverse effect on the rates you pay for auto insurance. While your driving history will only go so many years back, having a few moving violations or a couple of fender-benders can send your premiums soaring. However, there are simple, legitimate ways you can lower your rates by improving your driving record.

Five Tips to Improve Your Driving Record


The easiest and more sure way to improve your driving record is to drive without acquiring a moving violation or accident over a pre-set period because insurance companies only check your driving record back to a certain point. This means that an old ticket or accident you were in will disappear after a certain amount of time has passed. Unfortunately, there is nothing else you can do other than drive safely and wait.

Have Old Information Removed

Carefully, look over your driving record for old or inaccurate information and have it removed. You may contact your local DMV office to get your driving record and see what if any information is incorrect. You will need to know how far back your insurance company looks in checking your driving record.

State Approved Driving Safety Course

Your DMV may offer a state approved driving safety course which can lead to improving your driving record. In some states, attending the course is mandatory depending on the type of offenses on your record. By taking the course, your driving record will be duly noted and perhaps some of the offenses removed.

Insurance Approved Driving Safety Course

Every insurance company has a recognized driving safety courses that offer discounts to your insurance premiums. For example, GEICO, one of the top auto insurance providers in the country, offers a discount up to 10% for drivers who have completed a defensive driving course. It is a one-day course that takes a few hours which demonstrates that you have interests in driving safe.

Obtain a Safer Vehicle

Your insurance company may reduce your premiums if you choose to drive a vehicle that is more reliable than the one you own. This is generally for those who drive high-performance or sports cars that naturally bring higher rates. By going to a safer vehicle, your insurance company may decide to lower the prices. You will need to discuss this with your insurance agent or company first before you decide to make the switch.

Making improvements to your driving record can go a long way towards paying a lower rate on your insurance. Also, talk to your insurance agent about how you can address any issues with your driving record. You may find that they have methods for having your rates significantly reduced, but only if you talk to them about it.





John Orlando