3 Best Natural Alternatives to Agave


When it comes to the health benefits of agave, there is something to be said on both sides of the debate. On the positive side, this natural sweetener is much lower on the glycemic index than refined sugar, meaning that it will breakdown more slowly in the body and not spike up the blood sugar levels; it is also much safer than artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which carry with it a variety of health risks. It is from a natural source, the agave cactus native to Mexico and it’s produced at low temperatures to help preserve its nutritive qualities. These are all to the good.
Nonetheless, there are some who have concerns about the use of this sugar substitute. For one thing, skeptics fear that this product is more heavily processed than it should be. In some cases, agave can contain as much as 55% fructose, or roughly the same amount as the dreaded high fructose corn syrup. For this reason, many have begun the hunt for a natural sweetener that does not have such worries attached to it. Below are three simple alternatives to the agave syrup.
Fruit Syrups

For one make-at-home alternative to agave, take sweet, dried fruits like dates, raisins or figs, add them to the blender with water and process until they become a syrup. It is possible to use all three of these fruits together for an extra tasty blend! This fruit syrup carries with it the same nutritional value of the dried fruit with dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals and is a very healthy alternative to the agave.
Coconut Nectar

Coconut nectar, which can be bought at most health-food stores nowadays, is another viable alternative. This sweetener, derived from the coconut tree in a process similar to that of tapping maple syrup, is nutrient-rich, lightly sweet, but is not as highly processed as agave. Like other coconut products, it is loaded with amino acids, Vitamins C and B and has a neutral pH, so it will not aid in acidification of the body.
Blackstrap Molasses

For a thick consistency and wonderfully distinctive taste, blackstrap molasses is probably the best bet. Unlike refined sugar or corn syrup which are almost pure simple carbohydrates that have been stripped of nearly all nutritional value, molasses has demonstrated health benefits and is high in a variety of essential minerals.

It should be reiterated here that when it comes to the health benefits (or risks) of agave, there really has been no clear consensus. However, for those who have sustained doubts, there are still natural alternatives available that have not been called into question, such as the three mentioned above. The great thing about all three of them is that they all bring different health benefits and all are kinder to the body than either refined sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Christine . S
Christine has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.