10 Benefits of Lemon Juice You Didn’t Know About


It seems that nowadays, more and more people are touting the benefits of regularly consuming lemon juice and that this humble juice, so common in the produce section and used for so many things around the kitchen, is finally coming into its own. The attention surrounding lemon juice stems largely from the fact that it is so incredibly healthy for your body and on so many levels; ten of the best reasons to consume it are given below.

High in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an incredibly important nutrient since it strengthens the immune system and makes it easier for your body to warn off illness. A single lemon gives 75% of the RDA for this vitamin.

Silver Bullet

Lemon juice is about as close to a silver bullet as you can get, helping to treat colds and flus, kidney stones and even things like ringing in the ears.

Increase Concentration

In aromatherapy, the smell of lemon is used to increase the mind’s ability to concentrate and remain alert; lemon juice can have a similar effect.

Hair Lightener

To go blond naturally, use lemon juice regularly on your hair before going on into the sun: it will lighten the hair naturally.

Prevent Kidneys Stones

Kidney stone sufferers go through some of the worse pain imaginable; to prevent stones from forming again, ingesting as little as a half-cup of juice a day can do the trick.

Skin Tonic

Lemon juice is a great tonic for the skin and its antibacterial properties can help kill off the germs that are the root cause of acne, leaving your skin clear and smooth.

Natural Relaxer

If stress is a problem – and let’s face it, everyone struggles with it from time to time – lemon juice can be a natural way for you to relax and distress.

Digestive Aid

Regular consumption of lemon juice can improve your overall digestive system which can improve things like stomach pain or bloating as well as constipation.


You can spend a lot of money on expensive detox programs….or just simply drink a fair amount of lemon and water daily. This is one of the best detoxifiers there is and really helps improve liver function.

Weight Loss Aid

Adding lemon to your water and drinking it regularly will help you lose weight faster if you are dieting. This is partly because it improves the digestion, as mentioned above, but also curbs the appetite.

So if you are thinking about making some small changes in your life that will lead to an improvement in your overall health, definitely consider adding a regimen of lemon juice and water to your daily routine. It may not sound like a lot, but nearly every system in your body will be positively impacted by it and it can go a long way to improving your general health.

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Christine . S
Christine has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.